PI/CPC Minutes – August 2013


Attendance – 8
3 new people!!!

Balance: $675.57

Introduction for new people

–          What is PICPC in Lincoln all about?

–          Shared experiences we’ve had

–          Shared things we have done and are working on currently

Old Business


3 new people. Pie was purchased!


–          These have been distributed

–          We forgot to put a contact number on it.

Drug Court Presentation:

Luke & Alyssa attended; Zech will go with Alyssa in August
Contact Jesse about leaving a copy of the format there. He is happy to do that.

Gmail Account

–          Jessi is checking email. Still need to upload old minutes

Mission Help:

–          Kj will send an email for Jessi to send to the mission


New Business

Opportunities to get AA information out:

Providers Fair at Trabert Hall – for probation officers etc.
September 16 from 10am – 2pm
Have 2 people scheduled at all times (Jessi & Anna – setup – noon; Anna & Zech – noon – 2)

Mental Health Awareness walk at the Regional Center
October 4 from 11am – 1pm
Joel E & Alyssa W???

Literature Packets:

–          These have been put together and are available for anyone interested

–          Two types offered:

  • For Clergy
  • For Medical Providers

–          Please contact the committee if you would like a packet to share with your professional. We made 50.