PI/CPC Minutes – June 2013
Attendance – 5
Next month’s meeting will be held at the usual time – 3:30 p.m. on July 14, even though the Unity Picnic will be going on.
Old Business
Drug Court Presentation
– Luke: It happened!! (just Luke there)
- Less interest from participants
- 5 people there
- No questions, they just stared at him
– Luke will go back in July with either Kaci B or Alyssa to show them the ropes
– Final version of format is done and will be used in July
Gmail Account
– Jessi tracked down information from Craig LP
– Craig also mentioned using the google docs part for committee minutes storage for long term.
- We will look into this
Literature Order
– Bernice placed order with Area 41
- Most of it has been received
- We will put together packets in July
New Business
Recruitment Discussion
– Change meeting time/date???
– Alyssa will create a flier to promote that PICPC needs help
- We make it available at CO for groups to have
– Need to get more help before the new rotation (voting in November)
– Goal for each current member: bring 3 new people each next month
Mission Help??
– Bernice heard from an elderly man in AA that he has done CPC work on his own and was told by doctors there is a need for AA at the mission.
- We aren’t sure if the meeting is still happening there
- We will be contacting a professional contact to see what needs to be done and how we can help.
Semi Annual Expense Report
– Jessi will get the numbers from Jeff and have this prepared to share at Intergroup in June.