District 22 – August 2013
1. Traditions read by: John S.
2. Members in attendance: 8 members, 6 officers
3. DCM/ALT DCM reports: none
5. Treasurers report: $671.72
6. Intergroup: See Website
7. Secretary minutes: Seth H.
Motioned/Seconded for approval? Yes
8. Old Business: Area 41 Voting Items: (Report and Charter) Pass 4-0,
(Finance) Pass 3-2.
9. New Business: Just a reminder that the two year term is coming to
an end and we would like to have a new DCM installed by the November
Area meeting so that the newbie can attend in North Platte.
10. Group Reports:
a. 164: Attendance up to 50+, need to spend money, new secretary and
new alt. GSR.
b. Big Book Bunch: Attendance picking up, made contributions
c. Stag: Good. Anniversary party in the works. See Ron R for more
d. Sunday Night Wkshp: Attendance down slightly. Discussed voting in
new service positions.
e. Wild Bunch: N/a
f. Rainbow Group: N/a
g. LBB Study: N/a