Intergroup – August 2010

Lincoln Intergroup
PO Box 6366
Lincoln, NE 68506

Chairman: Kirk M.
Vice Chairman: Bob B.
Secretary: Brian D.
Treasurer: Ray M.

Kirk began the meeting @ 6:35
The AA Traditions were read by: Albert
Roll was taken:
Officers present: 3
Committees present: 5
Group chair members present:
District present: 1

Minutes approved for July  2010 District reports:

Mark (03) – Not present
Ron R. (22) – Reviewed balance.
John R. (21) – Not present
Albert S. (29) – Reviewed balance ($176.59). Discussion of moving boundaries of district.

Treasurers Report: Reviewed balance ($1882.78). April contribution from Seeking Solutions group received after post office delay. Thanks to groups who have contributed. See complete Treasurer’s Report on website.

Committee Reports:

Central Office Committee: Jim C. – Presented approved report from July meeting.Rev iewed balance ($3559.31). See complete report. See complete report on website.

Lincoln AA Corrections Committee: Meetings going well. Reviewed balance.

Hotline committee: Transition to new chair Lauryn D. underway.. Matt reported things going well.

PI/CPC Committee: – Not present

Treatment Committee: Cody S. – Everything going good

Website Committee: Ron E. – Received reports from Treasurer, Central Office, District 21 and Intergroup.

Special Events Committee: Planning for Christmas party.Next steps to hire cook and DJ.

Old Business:


New Business:

Ray stepping down as Treasurer. Search/selection for new Treasurer tabled until next month. Please spread the word to people interested in doing service work.

For more info on all committee reports visit

Meeting closed at 6:45 PM, and we all gathered for the Serenity Prayer

The next meeting is September 24th @ 6:30 @ Willard Community Center-1245 S. Folsom St.

Pleased to be at your service: Brian D.