PI/CPC Minutes – December 2013
Attendance – 6
Traditions – Luke H.
Treasurer’s Report –
Balance: $601.85
November’s Minutes approved
Intergroup Report: See online minutes
Old Business
– Waverly Care Center
District 29 is not stable enough to support 12 stepping at the center
The Life Preserver’s meeting on Friday night has agreed to “sponsor” the center in capacities needed.
– UNL – evals on campus??
Foxhall is allowed to make a flier about the meeting happening on campus (part of UNL’s rules when renting space), so we will wait see what they decided about that. Until then Bernice will just keep trying to catch the former IC counselor in her office building to see if we can help. She already gave him some meeting lists and the 12 question packets.
– Our budget was approved for 2014.
– Elections for extra positions
Literature chair — Alyssa W.
Intergroup Rep — Tabled. Luke will go for the time being.
New Business
– We are sometimes loitering at the Highway Diner when none of our group members purchase anything.
– Discussion about how we can fix this: move meeting or everyone purchase something.
– Group agrees we will all do better and purchase something from the diner when we come for the meeting.
– Kjerstin is going to email SCC again about having the committee speak for the LDAC programs again. It’s been 2 years since we have done that.
– January’s meeting we will spend time going through binders to come up with a plan for 2014, and possibly even 2015.