Intergroup – December 2013


Meeting Minutes – December 27, 2013

Lincoln Intergroup

PO Box 6366

Lincoln, NE 68506


Chairman: Bob B.

Vice Chairman: Ron R.

Secretary: Jessi H.

Treasurer: Dick S.

Began the meeting @ 6:30 pm

The AA Traditions were read by: Darrell


Officers present: 4

Committees present: 4

Group chair members present: 12

Districts present: 1

Total People Present: 20


Minutes approved for November 2013

District reports:

District 3 (Mark) – Not present

District 21 (Brian C.)  – Not Present

District 22 (John S.) Not Present

– Fliers brought for upcoming Area 41 reunion happening in June. Will be hosted by District 22

District 29 (Stacey K)

New DCM – Steve B

Now needing an intergroup rep and a secretary for upcoming rotation


Treasurers Report:

Balance forward:                                                                                             $  702.32


First 164                                  $    40.00

Seeking Solutions                    $    44.92

60 Minutes/Easy Does It          $    88.75

$  173.67

$  875.99


Hotline                         $     5.35

Ending Balance                                                                                                $  870.64


Reserve for 2013 Committee Budgets

Treatment                                $        0.00

Corrections                              $        0.00

Hotline                         $        2.66

Website                                    $        0.00

PICPC                                      $        0.00

Intergroup-$18 over     $        0.00

$        2.66


**Intergroup’s Balance after these Obligations                                                $   867.98


** This balance indicates where intergroup would stand at the end of the year, if all money requested by committees is disbursed and no more contributions are taken in from AA groups.

** The books were $20 off last month, but that is now fixed!!**

– The new secretary’s name is now on the cards and account, with Dick serving as backup. Suggestion to have Chair (Brian C.) have his name on the account with Bernice instead of Dick. They will check with Brian first.

Thank you to the group that contributed this month!

Mail checks to:

Lincoln Intergroup

P.O. Box 6366

Lincoln, NE 68506

Respectfully your servant, Dick S., Treasurer


Committee Reports:

Central Office Committee: (Jim K.) – Not Present

September Meeting:

Income $5,760.21

Expenses         $6,342.03

Loss                 $   581.82

Old Business:

– Need 1 alternate board member (Alternate doesn’t need meetings and has no voting rights. Minimum 2 years sobriety required.)

– Need Spanish speaking AA women for help line. Jim K. will check with some people in Crete.

New Business:

–    Marcella proposed that the Central Office close on Mondays at 6:30 p.m. due to low traffic and danger of the neighborhood. Vote taken and motion passed for new Monday hours. The meeting list will be updated with this information. New hours will begin 12/16/13.

–    Officers nominated for 2014: Jim K – President, Craig – VP, Eric – Treasurer, Dru – Secretary. Voting will be in December.

–    Vote taken and motion passed to send an AA soft cover book to an inmate at the Women’s prison in York.

–    Jim K has an application from Scott for the alternate board position. App will be reviewed by board at Dec. meeting.

Next Meeting: December 19, 2013


Corrections Committee: (Ron R.) – Meeting: December 3, 2013

Beginning Balance                   $57.58

While Bill O. was at Area 41 in Nov., he purchased a case of paperback Big Books from the Literature Committee for the committee. This cost is $142.80, and that exceeds the current committee’s treasury. Bill will be reimbursed in installments. Tom has paid Bill $42.80, leaving the balance of $100 to be paid when the committee receives its first disbursement check in January.

Ending Balance                        $14.78

(City/County Jails) – Joe G. The three male volunteers who had been going into the jail on Wednesday evenings, are now going on Saturday afternoons. The meetings are going well. Sherry K. a counselor at C/CJ, has requested a case of paperback Big Books. (See New Business) Brian C. reports that the Tuesday night meeting in the Work Release section is going well. 40-70 inmates are split into 2 groups. Brian also reports that he has turned in two applications for new volunteers.

(CCCL) – Tom E. The men’s in-house Twelve Step study on Tuesday nights continues to go well. A couple of long time regulars have been paroled, but some new inmates have begun coming to the meeting; attendance overall is up.

(RTC) – Bill O. Attendance is up at the Saturday night meeting.

(D&E) – Bill O.  The Wednesday night meeting is going well. No word on the Monday night meeting.

(Old Business) – None.

(New Business) –  The committee approves donating a case of paperback Big Books to the City/County Jail.

**Next Meeting, Tuesday, January 7 at 6 p.m. – Meeting place (28th & S), room 2A


Hotline committee: (Brian C.) – Not Present

**New sheets were passed out in November. Please take these to groups and get them filled out and return them to Brian C. at Intergroup in December. These sheets will cover the months of January, February, March.

MEMBERS:  Please note, there are numbers and information on the back of the sign-up sheet to further assist the groups and our responsibilities. Suggest to people signing up they save the numbers in their phone so they know it’s the hotline when a call comes through.


PI/CPC Committee: (Jessi H.)

Treasurer’s Report –

Balance: $601.85

November’s Minutes approved

Intergroup Report: See online minutes


Old Business

– Waverly Care Center

District 29 is not stable enough to support 12 stepping at the center

The Life Preserver’s meeting on Friday night has agreed to “sponsor” the center in capacities needed.

–  UNL – evals on campus??

Foxhall is allowed to make a flier about the meeting happening on campus (part of UNL’s rules when renting space), so we will wait see what they decided about that. Until then Bernice will just keep trying to catch the former IC counselor in her office building to see if we can help. She already gave him some meeting lists and the 12 question packets.

–  Our budget was approved for 2014.

–  Elections for extra positions

Literature chair — Alyssa W.

Intergroup Rep — Tabled. Luke will go for the time being.


New Business

–  We are sometimes loitering at the Highway Diner when none of our group members purchase anything.

–  Discussion about how we can fix this: move meeting or everyone purchase something.

–  Group agrees we will all do better and purchase something from the diner when we come for the meeting.

–  Kjerstin is going to email SCC again about having the committee speak for the LDAC programs again. It’s been 2 years since we have done that.

–  January’s meeting we will spend time going through binders to come up with a plan for 2014, and possibly even 2015.

Treatment Committee: (Joel E.)  -Not Present

Website Committee: (Bill D.)

Provided a google analytics report.


Special Events Committee: (Kevin)

2013 Holiday Party

Expenses                                                                                 Income

WSI Hall           $  275.00                                             Tickets             $1640.13

Pop                                    30.00                                             Raffle                              144.30

Food                                346.42                                             Pop                                    60.04

Music                               600.00                                             Donations                        110.00

Event tickets                      50.21                                             Total                            $1954.47

Canopy 4th of July            51.78

Inflatable Pool       13.00

Raffle Items                       50.00

Total                            $1416.41

Beginning Balance    $  721.00

Income                        $ 1954.47

Expense                       $  1416.41

Ending Balance          $  1259.06

**Not much food left

**Didn’t have a lot of people pre purchase tickets

For more info on all committee reports visit

Old Business:

–    Budgets: Still no treatment committee budget for 2014. That will continue to be tabled.

– Website chair position – Bill D.

New Business:

What do we turn in our hotline sheets??

— Brandon will take them

Meeting closed at 6:50 p.m. and we all gathered for the Serenity Prayer.

The next meeting is Friday, January 24 @ 6:30 p.m. @ Willard Community Center-1245 S. Folsom St.

Thank you for allowing me to be of service for the past 2 years.

Jessi H.