District 22 – March 2014

District 22

Mar 12, 2014

Meeting opened at 1855

Traditions read by Chris L

Members in attendance: Ron R, Mike E, Seth H, John S, Chris L , Erica, Kelli J, Jordan, Luke

DCM report :  Jessi attended West Central Regional

Treasurer report: 352.97 since Jan 31, 2014.  -215.87 (Disbursements/ reimbursements) $199.97 New balance

Intergroup: Not a lot going on.  All districts doing good.  Jessi has handouts for any interested.  895.64 bal.  projected shortfall of 300+.  Website went down for a day due to payment lapse. Problem has been resolved.  John will be moving in May.  We will need to find a new intergroup rep. Further discussion in new business.

Secretary: Kelli read minutes. Luke motioned to approve.  Ron seconded.

New Business:

  • Need to find a new intergroup rep beginning in April 2014.
  • Take it back to the groups to see if there is any interest.
  • GSC agenda items given out for all to look at and contact Jessi if background info is needed.
  • Chris L felt that conflict of interest was not presented in Finance committee. Feels that Finance committee needs to be transparent.  Can try to take it to Finance Committee and ask again for clarification, if that does not work can attend DCM Coffee.

Old Business

  • 2014-01-14 #002 Agenda- select host district for the area 41 2015 reunion. .
    • District 21 talking about hosting
    • Motion to select a host district passed
    • 2014 District 22 workshop- (proposal for after reunion.  Possibly in the fall.  Get feedback from groups on ideas for themes.)

Ladies bb suggested traditions or the value of doing a group inventory

Tabled-Will continue discussion with groups

  • 90$ to Luke reimbursement for area (voted as a 1 time scholarship)
  • Jessi to be reimbursed 125.87

Group Reports

  • 164: Good.  Attendance.
  • Stag: Good.  Attendance slow but does that form time to time.  There are a lot of old new guys
  • Sunday Night Workshop: Productive business meeting.  GSR wasn’t getting reimbursed enough.  Approved proposal to reimburse according to area.  Collections are up.
  • Ladies Big Book:  Doing good.  Will not be reading stories.  Possibly going to be doing the traditions.  Still in the talking phase.  Erica suggested doing a group inventory.  Group questioned necessity. That discussion has been tabled.
  • Wild Bunch:  Going well.  Big numbers lots of new comers.  Lots of people to help.

Meeting closed @1959