Central Office May 2014 Meeting Minutes



1. Open With Traditions: Klara

2. Attendance: Dru, Klara, Gary, Jim, Neil, Scott, Marcella, Gayle

3. Minutes: Approved


4. Treasurer’s Report Dru: A question was raised regarding the expenditure to Serene Machine. It was explained this is one of the new suppliers Marcella is trying. The telephone Answering Service charge was the result of two payments coming due in the same month.                                                                        Income:        $9,289.52

Expenses:     $6,906.43

Gain:           $2,383.09


5. President’s Report: Jim was approached by a person wanting to be in charge of Bridging the Gap. Jim will pass their name on to the appropriate people.


6. Intergroup Report: Jim attended Intergroup and reported Intergroup is trying to get Lincoln’s Anniversary Celebration going again and that funds are available to get started. The Special Events committee is being approached regarding this matter with a plan to turn it over to a committee once the event gets going.


7. Office Manager’s Report: Marcella

  1. Total Office Calls in April _163_   12 Step __2_
  2. Marcella is working on a new meeting schedule to be available soon. Any changes need to get to Marcella soon.
  3. The inventory figures are not quite completed.
  4. Marcella needs current hotline sheets from the hotline chair since she has not received an updated sheet for some time. She is wondering if 402-601-4700 is the correct number to reach Brandon?
  5. Marcella needs a phone number for Public Information’s Chair so she can call them with requests. She will not be giving out that number.


8. Old Business:

  • Continuing group visits
  • The CSO Board is still looking for an alternate(s). Jim will ask a couple of people if they would be interested as an alternate.
  • Bank signature cards will be executed by the President, Treasurer and Office Manager.


9. New Business:

  • Jim needs the February Contribution Sheet.


10. Adjourn: Having no further business to be discussed, it was moved, seconded and carried

that the Board adjourn until next month.


Next Board Meeting: Thursday, June 19, 2014 @ 7 P.M.


Next Intergroup: June 27, 2014 @ 6:30 P.M.