Intergroup Meeting Minutes – June 2014

Meeting starts 6:34 p.m.
Scott opens with 12 traditions.
List of attended persons:
Brian – Intergroup Chair
Jordan – Secretary, How it Works Rep, Sub for Corrections Committee
Edward – Back to Basics
Tara – Young Peoples, Wild Bunch
Jim – Central Office
Brandon – Hotline
Devon – Just sitting
Scott – Monday Night Stag
Jenni – Women’s Big Book Study
Lynn – Big Book Bunch
Sean – Lincoln Fox Hall
Bill – Web Chair
George – Special Events

Minutes read and Approved
Central Office – Needed info on PICPC Chair
Treasurer’s Report – Given (though she was absent, thank you)
Hotline – Need more people to sign up, especially women for afternoon times. 75 total calls- 41 for
Meeting Info, 6 will call backs, 5 for Central Office, 16 for Volunteers, 7 not answered.
Web – Meeting List keeps breaking on mobile phones, will try to fix it so it works on all smart phones
Corrections Committee – PREA will start to be implemented in facilities so volunteers will need to sign it, part of trying to help inmates. Still in need of replacement chair.
Treatment – Not Present
PICPC – Not Present
Special Events – Preparing for 4th of July picnic, still in need of help and gift baskets for raffle.
Please contact George 402-570-5205 for more info.
District 29 – Not Present
District 22 – Not Present (probably hosting area reunion)
District 21 – Unity Picnic July 13 at 1230 – 330 at VAN DORN park
District 3 – Not Present
Olde Business – None
New Business – The Alternate chair has disappeared with keys, we need those back. More people need
to fill in for intergroup positions, so votes are distributed and a person only votes for their committee or

Jordan, secretary