Central Service Office Meeting Minutes – August 2014



August 21, 2014


  1. Open with Traditions: Scott


  1. Attendance: Dru, Gary, Neil, Scott, Gayle & Marcella


  1. Minutes: Gayle


  1. Treasurer’s report: Dru

Income:         $10,820.45

Expenses:     $ 6,490.97.

Gain/Loss:   $ 4,329.48


July was a terrific month financially for CSO as reflected above!


  1. President’s report: In Jim’s absence, Neil presided over the meeting. The

President’s report was presented by Marcella on behalf of Jim.


  1. Intergroup report: Presented by Marcella in Jim’s absence. About 15 were in

attendance. There is a new contact for Corrections.


  1. Office Manager’s report: Marcella
  2. Total office calls in July: 176 . 12 Step    3   .


PI put on a successful workshop @ Bryan West for Professionals in the field.


Orders for special medallions were discussed. What used to be the norm for special

medallions (5 yr., 10 yrs. Etc.) is no longer the case with varied years being

purchased by the AA community making it harder to keep the desired inventory on

hand. Advance orders work the best.


  1. Old Business: Dru with Pam R’s help has been in touch with the Corrections

Committee regarding books for the monthly meeting Dru attends at York.


  1. New Business: Dru and Gayle will be absent next month due to schedule conflicts.

Klara has agreed to take Minutes for the September 18th meeting.


  1. Adjourn.


Next Board Meeting: September 18, 2014 @ 7 P.M. @ Central Service Office 28th & S