Corrections Committee Meeting Minutes – December 2014
Chair: Vacant.
Treasurer: Tom E. Beginning balance of $37.93. Received and cashed $178.75 disbursement check from Intergroup, raising our balance to $216.68. Paid Bill O. $78.50 for ten paperback Big Books that he purchased at Area 41 in October. New balance: $138.18
City-County Jail: Joe G. One of the counselors requested meeting schedules. She also requested more volunteers, both male and female, to bring meetings into the facility.
Community Corrections Center, Lincoln (CCCL): Tom E. Men’s in-house Twelve Step study on Tuesday nights continues to go well, attendance is up. Bill 0. received a call from one of the counselors requesting an AA volunteer to establish an in-house/for credit meeting in the facility. They would like either a Big Book study or a speaker meeting. Day and time appear to be flexible. If interested, contact Pam Florang at 402-471-0813.
Diagnostic and Evaluation Center (B &E): Bill 0. Wednesday night meeting going well, although the size fluctuates. Still need a volunteer to help on a part-time basis. Call Bill at 402-475-9341 if interested.
Residential Treatment Community (RTC): Bill 0. Attendance at Saturday night meeting is steady. This meeting is desperately in need of a volunteer to help on a part- time basis. The two regular volunteers are often absent with weekend service commitments. Call Bill at 402-475-9341 if you are interested in helping out.
Old Business: None.
New Business: TomE, requests five copies of paperback Twelve and Twelve for CCCL. Motion made and approved.
Intergroup requests a report of our spending for 2014. See accompanying page.
Next Meeting: Tuesday, 6 January 2015, at 6:00 p.m., Room 2A, the Meeting Place, 28th and S St.
The Corrections Committee: 2014 Expense Report
January 2014: Paid Bill 0. $100.00 to reimburse him for purchasing a case of paperback Big Books at Area 41 back in November 2013.
February 2014: Paid Central Office $30.00 for January-June rent.
August 2014: Paid Central Office $30.00 for July-December rent.
Also, paid $353.10 to Central Office for literature purchases, which are itemized as the following:
$166.00 for a case (20 copies) of paperback Big Books
$87.50 for ten hardback Big Books
$74.50 for ten paperback Twelve and Twelves
This came to $330.00, plus $23.10 tax.
November 2014: Paid Bill 0. $78.50 for ten paperback Big Books he bought at Area 41 in September 2014.
Total Expenses for 2014: $591.60.
Where our material went in 2014:
February 2014: Two paperback copies of Twelve and Twelve went to CCCL.
July 2014: Ten paperback Big Books went to City-County Jail.
Five paperback Twelve and Twelves went to CCCL.
December 2014: Five paperback Twelve and Twelves went to CCCL.