Central Service Office Meeting Minutes – December 2014
- Open with Traditions: Neil
- Attendance: Jim K., Dru, Gary, Klara, Neil, Scott, Gayle, Jim J. & Marcella
- Minutes – Gayle: November 20, 2014 Minutes were Approved by Board.
- Treasurer’s report – Dru: November, 2014 – Income: $ 5,631.66; Expenses: $5,425.33;
Gain: $ 206.33. Last year at this time of year we were showing big losses – so we
are turning things around OK.
- President’s report – Jim K.: Welcome to our new Board member, Jim J.
Klara S. will be missed at our Board meetings! Thank you for your years of service!
- Intergroup report: Jim K. reported there was good attendance at November
Intergoup – maybe close to 30.
- Office Manager’s report: Marcella
- Total office calls in November: _126_ 12 Step __2__
- New Winter meeting lists are available. Thank you to those who helped fold.
- Marcella will be off the week of December 22, 2014 and Cheryl will be working.
- Inventory is scheduled for January 17, 2015. Volunteers will be helping.
- The CSO financial situation was tedious the last couple of months. Contributions have improved and sales have improved, but continued improvement is essential to keeping our office open.
- Old Business: We will continue looking for an alternate to keep on deck for the CSO Board – possibly an Alanon member.
Spring Fling accommodations were discussed in detail. Jim K. will check out the facilities and talk with representatives to find a secure area for our use.
- New Business: Annual voting on CSO Board Officer’s. Our 2015 Officer’s are Neil L., President; Craig L., Vice-President; Dru F., Treasurer; Gayle A., Secretary.
A huge THANK YOU to Jim K. for his many years of service as President of the
CSO Board. We appreciate your guidance and leadership and are grateful you
will continue as a Board Member.
- Adjourn:
Next Board Meeting: January 15, 2015 @ 7 P.M. @ Central Service Office 28th & S