Central Service Office January 2015 Meeting Minutes
Open with Traditions: Dru
2. Attendance: Dru, Gayle, Jim J., Jim K., Marcella and Neil
3. Minutes: Gayle – December 18, 2014 Minutes were Approved
4. Treasurer’s report: Dru December, 2014
Income: $ 7,686.41
Expenses: $ 7,303.86
Gain: $ 382.55
We are ahead of 2013 but continue to show a loss for the year.
5. President’s report: Neil – No Report
6. Intergroup report: Jim K. and Neil will attend Intergroup January 30th. Intergroup is having an Open House this month to encourage greater attendance. Intergroup talked about and approved all budgets. They are trying to do more with Bridging the Gap.
7. Office Manager’s report: Marcella
a. Total office calls in December: _133_ 12 Step _1_
Marcella gets a lot of hang ups when answering the phone.
b. Meeting lists are nearly all folded with some good helpers contributing.
c. Annual CSO inventory is Saturday, January 17th. Volunteers are lined up to help.
d. Marcella took an extra day during the Holidays to spend with her visiting daughter.
e. Due to early closing of banks on 12-31-14 a deposit went into 2015 instead of 2014.
8. Old Business:
At the February 19th CSO Board meeting we will each pick which meetings we will visit to thank for past donations and let the groups know of the continued need for donations. The Board is continuing to look for an alternate to keep on deck for the CSO Board. We would like to have an Alanon member.
Jim K. visited Lancaster Event Center to check on the space available for CSO to use during Spring Fling. He met with an LEC representative and discussed various options for a secure area. A decision has yet to be reached
9. New Business:
The CSO Board members will take Hot Line Sign Up sheets to meetings. We
haven’t been receiving the reports regarding the AA Hotline. Jim will get a copy
of the number of calls from the answering service.
10. Adjourn: 8:05 P.M.
Next Board Meeting: February 19, 2015 @ 7 P.M. @ Central Service Office 28th & S