Intergroup Meeting Minutes – May 2015
Bill opens with 12 traditions
Chairs Present
Chair – Brian
Secretary – Jordan
Treasurer – Bernice
Website – Sean
Hotline – Brandon
Minutes read
Treasurer’s Report – Quick report. Stag gave a great contribution.
Hotline – Things were worked out with emailing phone lists and a list of all women was given which was nice. There were a total of 50 calls – 17 12th step – 33 meeting info – 4 were unanswered.
Website – The torch has not been passed to new website chair but he is waiting to assume the role. The previous chair is still posting.
Central Office – The April meeting was pushed a week early due to spring fling. The hotline signup sheet was given to Brandon from Marcela. There is a new server for the central office. Otherwise everything is going alright with the central office.
Corrections – 98.99 is sitting balance as of the last meeting. County Jail needs volunteers. Diagnostic and Evaluation is needing a sub in volunteer. Residential Treatment Community needs a part time volunteer. If wishing to volunteer head down to corrections committee meeting on the first Tuesday of the month at 6:00 pm at the meeting place, 28th and S, room 2a.
Treatment – Not present
PICPC – Not present (Bank statements were given to Brandon for transfer to a representative of PICPC)
District 3 – Having a meeting this coming Tuesday the 2nd of June at 8:00 pm with collaboration with district 21 for the area 41 Reunion in 2016.
District 21 – See District 3. Unity picnic is July 12th 12:30-3:30 at Van Dorn park. Hot dogs and Hamburgers will be served, bring side dishes and desserts. Bill will be giving delegates report and Connie will be talking about leadership.
District 22 – Talked about the workshop coming up in the fall. A panel on AA and face book.
District 29 – Not present
From the groups
Pocket of Enthusiasm is shutting its doors with the last meeting to be on July 1st and if there are any groups needing supplies they should go to there where they meet every Wednesday at 8:00 pm at 1123 C St. (Everett School, South Side).
How It Works canceled their chili cook off on June 6th.
Olde Business – Twice a year report
Newe Business – Twice a year report should be brought to Junes meeting.
Closed at 7:00 pm