Intergroup Meeting Minutes – July 2015
Intergroup Minutes July 31, 2015
Meeting starts at 6:35
Sandra opens with 12 Traditions
Role call
Chairs Present
Treasurer/ Chair (sub) – Bernice
Secretary – Jordan
Website – Shawn
Minutes Read
Treasurer’s Report – Use great discretion on sheet stating contributions from each group. Gives a good idea of where we are at with contributions. Monthly’s treasurer’s report – A total of 1447.94 of contributions with a disbursement of 396.05 to PICPC with an ending balance of 1051.89 and 589.38 after budgeted expenses.
PICPC – Twice a year report was brought. Continuing to give out pamphlets to professional community. Contacting SCC and Kaplan. Have contacted the military, police, and firefighters. Will be ordering the books on CD with last disbursement. Question on finding new contact at UNL.
Treatment – Keeping contact with treatment centers and had donated books to St. Monica’s. Kept in contact with the veterans affairs also. Meetings have hit and miss. Bridging the Gap is still being worked. Jim has been in contact with the people that he needed to be in contact with at area.
Central Office – New meeting list has been put out by Marcela. There were only 3 people in attendance for board meeting so there may not be a formal set of minutes for this last month. The central office bulletin has been changed with separate sections of AA and non- AA events. Questions on changing website on bulletin from ‘website’ to ‘Lincoln AA website’ because is the website of Lincoln AA and not central offices.
Website – Website went down after the weekend after intergroup. The website was then brought back after 4 days. Bill D, the previous web chair, paid for the website out of his pocket and will need to be reimbursed. Questions of whether or not treasurer’s report is posted on website and that the web chair will need to copy and paste the central office bulletin with AA events so as not to include non – AA events. Bill will need to pass the torch.
District 3 – Voted for stuff that goes to Area 41. Discussed the info on central office calendar on the website. Further clarification on the bulletin is the problem of AA and non – AA events intermingled. (see central office)
District 21 – Not present
District 22 – Not present
District 29 – Not present
Corrections – Not present
From Groups – The alcathon has a need for (2) new chair people. Contact Sandra
Old business – Brian will be out of town on July 31st and Bernice will be chairing.
Questions of central office monthly calendar arose over having non-affiliation. Central Office is not part of AA so they may publish what they like. is the website of Lincoln AA so discussion of whether central office should be able to post on said website due to non affiliation. Also concerns of the sobriety dates on the calendar and if it has been updated.
New Business – Bernice may not be at next Intergroup.
Meeting adjourned at 7:20
Semi- Annual Reports
Treatment – Expense of 60.00 at Independence Center for rent with 218.39 total in account.
January 2015 — June 2015
Starting Balance (January 1, 2015) $ 148.95
Deposit of Disbursement $ 398.00
$ 546.95
Area 41 Literature
Big Books on CD (3) & pamphlets $ (266.25)
$ 280.70
Reimbursement for Chair to attend Area $ (91.00)
$ 189.70
Packet supplies & copies $ (18.18)
$ 171.52
2 subscriptions for 2 yrs for Lincoln libraries $ (108.00)
$ 63.52
Fliers $ (4.50)
$ 59.02
Current Balance (as of July 1, 2015) $ 59.02
Corrections –
- In April, we paid Bill 0. $85.00 for ten paperback Twelve and Twelves that he purchased at Area 41 for the committee.
- In May, our bank charged us a $10.00 “returned mail fee.”
- In June, we paid Central Office $30.00 rent for January-June 2015.
Our beginning balance is January was $138.18. We have received two disbursement checks from Intergroup totaling $111.62, meaning our total available funds were $249.80. We have spent $125.00 so far this year, leaving us with a balance of $124.80.