Intergroup Meeting Minutes – August 2015
Intergroup Minutes August 28, 2015
Meeting opens at 6:31
Traditions read by Bill
Chairs Present
Chair – Bryan
Treasurer – Bernice
Hotline – Not present
Secretary – Jordan
Web Chair – Shawn
Roll Call
Minutes read
Treasurer’s Report – Report was passed out. Contributions of 129.77 with expenses of 14.12 give a total in the treasury of 1167.50. With the budgeted expenses of 499.39 there is a total of 668.11. Thank you to the groups that contributed this month.
Central office – No set minutes for last month’s meeting. Are there any new concerns with the calendar bulletin? Concerns of website being changed to title that it is Lincoln’s website not the central offices. Also a concern with using last names used for the sobriety dates listed at the bottom of the bulletin. At the last central office meeting there was a discussion of selling a non conference approved CD of music representing the 12 steps.
Website Chair – Again needed to meet with Bill. Met someone from Area who can show Shawn how to work on the website. All he needs is the log on info which will be passed from Brian to Shawn so that he may do that.
Corrections –
Chair: Vacant.
Treasurer: Bill 0. (See “New Business” below.) Beginning balance of $124.80. Paid $30.00 to Central Office for July to December rent. New balance of $94.80. We are also due our third disbursement check from Intergroup, for $55.81.
County Jail: Joe G. The facility is looking for male and female volunteers to bring A.A. meetings into the jail. Days and times are flexible. Call Sherry Kotter at 402-441-1900 (extension 241 55) if interested.
Community Corrections Center, Lincoln (CCCL): Joe G. The men’s in-house non- credit meeting on Tuesday nights continues. Attendance has been down as of late, but there seems to be a core group of inmates that attends weekly. The inmates at this facility are permitted to attend meetings outside the prison. If you are interested in becoming a driver, please call 402-47 1 -0740. Volunteers no longer need to take an orientation class.
Diagnostic and Evaluation Center (D & E): Bill 0. Attendance is good at the Wednesday night meeting. A.A. Service commitments often prevent Bill from attending this meeting. He is looking for volunteers to help him with the meeting. Call Bill at 402-475- 9341 if you are interested in helping.
Residential Treatment Community (RTC): Bill 0. Saturday night meeting continues, with four to eight inmates each week. The two A.A. volunteers often have A.A. service commitments that prevent them from attending on Saturday nights. They are looking for volunteers to help them with the meeting. Call Bill at 402-475-9341 if you are interested in helping.
Lincoln Correctional Center (LCC): Joel B. A group meets every Thursday at 6:30 p.m., with ten to twenty inmates in attendance. Joel is the only volunteer currently going into the facility. He would one or two more male volunteers to help him. Contact Kevin Oliver at kevin.pliver( if interested in being a volunteer.
Nebraska State Penitentiary (NSP): Bill B. The Iron Bar A.A. Group meets every Tuesday from 7:00-8:00 p.m. It is primarily a speaker meeting, and Bill is looking for new speakers to come into the facility and share their sobriety story. If you are interested in speaking, contact Bill at 402-326-6368.
Old Business: None.
New Business: Tom E., our treasurer and long-time member of the Corrections Committee, passed away in July. We mourn his passing and our grateful for his years of service. Bill 0. will take over as the Committee’s treasurer.
District 21 – Elections are coming up so that the new DCM will be able to go to Area 41. GSR workshop is being put together for December 12th mid-day.
District 22 – The old treasurer moved and right now a interim treasurer is in placement until elections.
District 3 – Not present
District 29 – Not present
Treatment – Not present
Hotline – Not present
PICPC – Not present
Olde Business – Bernice may not be in town.
New Business – Motion made to change intergroup meeting up a week from October to December. October 23, November 20, December 18. Passed
Discussion on when to have intergroup elections for chairs. Discussion on making a flier for said elections and intergroup times and what will be on it. Motion made to have elections on November 20th. Passed
Further flier discussion. The times on flier will be suggested. Motion made to make 150 fliers that will include meeting moving dates, when elections are, sobriety suggestions for election position, and description of positions. Motion passed. Brian will make fliers.
Meeting adjourned 7:14