Intergroup Meeting Minutes – October 2016
Intergroup Meeting September Minutes – October 28, 2016
Chairman: Bernice
Alt Chair: Eric
Secretary: Edward
Treasurer: Lindsay
Began the meeting @ 6:35 pm following the Serenity Prayer
The AA Traditions were read by: Kyra
Officers present: 4
Committees present: 4 (Central Office, Corrections, PICPC, Web chair)
Group chair members present: 7 (Big Book Bunch, Young People, Ladies Big Book, Sunday Night Workshop, Monday Night Stag, Women’s Circle of Friends, Midtown)
Districts present: 1 (21)
Total People Present: 18
Minutes approved for September 2016
Committee Reports
Treasurer’s Report:
Principles Before Personalities $ 30.50
Gotta be 5pm Somewhere $200.00
Big Book Bunch $ 37.00
Home at Last (formerly Monday Noon Mtg) $ 20.00
Monday Night Stag Group $ 24.80
Total Contributions: $312.30
Final disbursement to treatment $582.46
Total Expenditures: $582.46
Treatment Committee $ 0.00
Corrections $ 51.89 (Just wrote last disbursement during mtg) Hotline $ 20.00
Website $ 1.95
PI/CPC $343.12
Intergroup Committee $ 50.00
Total Budgeted Expenses: $466.96
Thanks to the group that contributed this month! Please mail check to:
Mail checks to:
Lincoln Intergroup State of Nebraska GSO
P.O. Box 6366 Area 41 Grand Central Station
Lincoln, NE 68506 1130 H Street #504 PO Box 459
Lincoln, NE 68508 New York, NY 10163
**Temporary Change**
Respectfully submitted in service, Lindsay B., Treasurer, 402.326.3005
Chair Report: Bernice S.
- First Huddle went well (It was the 2nd Friday in Oct); 7 people in attendance (including 2 leading)
- Good feedback and will use to fine-tune the format for next month
- Central Office / Intergroup Conference in Missouri first weekend in November
- Bernice will be going if anyone wants to join
- Attended the Treatment workshop — also went well
Alt Chair: Eric F.
- Also reported Huddle went well.
- Next meeting will be Nov 11
- Fliers are out and circulating
- Represented Intergroup at Central Office meeting
Committee Reports:
Central Office Committee: Neil
Income $12,223.74
Expenses $ 8,092.52
Gain $ 4,131.22
- Old Business: Scott presented the finished Ad for office help which the board voted to accept
- New Business: Two resumes were received for the CSO Board – both were present. One indicated a sudden interest in the Office Help position. An interview time was set. The other applicant’s qualifications were discussed, the Board voted and unanimously accepted Jerry K. to our CSO Board.
- Next Meeting: October 20, 2016
Corrections Committee: Bill O.
- Vacant Chair position
- Treasurer: No activity. Balance remains $129.86. We are due a $50.87 disbursement check from Intergroup this month.
- City County Jail: We have received a new list of potential volunteers. Joe will contact them and send application forms to those who are eligible to go into the facility.
- CCCL: The men’s in-house 12 Step Study on Tuesday night continues, with a small but dedicated group of inmates in attendance.
- Need for a speaker meeting at CCCL for inmates to get AA parole credit
- D&E: Matt reports that the Monday night mtg is going well, with between 6-20 inmates in attendance each week. Bill reports that the Wednesday night meeting is also going well, with a dozen inmates on average in attendance. The 5 hardback Big Books the committee approved last month were delivered.
- RTC: Saturday night meeting continues. It is a solid group, and the inmates do a good job of running the meeting.
- Old Business: None.
- New Business: Committee budgets are due at October Intergroup Meeting:
Corrections Committee Budget for 2017:
- Rent $ 60.00
- 1 case paperback Big Books $180.00
- 1 case paperback 12x12s $150.00
- Copies of minutes $ 25.00
Total Budget for 2017 $415.00
Total Request for 2017 $224.27
Next Meeting: Tuesday, Nov 1 at 6pm, room 2A, The Meeting Place (28th & S)
Hotline committee: Not Present
Treatment Committee: Not Present
PI/CPC Committee: Jessi H.
Oct. 11, 2016
5 in attendance
Luke read traditions
Secretary: Sep. minutes were approved
Chair: We are good to go at the IC. Was asked to attend district 22 in regards to a joint workshop. They want to do the workshop on Jan. 21st. Will talk to paul about superfair. Bernice contacted Jessi in regards to a few students from union college (studying to be PA’s). She told them about our workshop at the IC. Budgets are due.
Treasurer: No change. $227.99
Literature: Got Ebony and Alyssa Lit. Luke will pick up Lit. at area.
Intergroup: Needs us to bring 20 hard copies of minutes. See minutes for the rest of the deetz.
Report from District 32: State Fair was a hit. 120 people visited the booth. Plenty of service was provided. Couple pastors requested meeting in their home towns. Received Kj’s phone lists.
Old Business
St. E’s: Ebony is waiting for the meeting lists and will take all of the Lit. to her supervisor and offer our services once they arrive.
UNL: KJ got a hold of St. Marks. KJ Is in contact with Bill, the new office manager. Bill will talk to the reverend and get back to us.
SCC: KJ has not heard back.
St. Monicas: Tabled
IC Workshop: Jessi provided agenda for the workshop. Ebony will help with time reminder flash cars.
New business
Homeless connect (Oct. 20th): Luke and Ebony will attend. Luke will get literature from KJ.
2017 PICPC Budget & Request for Funds
2017 Proposed Budget total: $858.00
Left over Balance from 2016: $227.99
Funds Requested from Intergroup: $630.01
Plan for funds in 2017:
Big Books $342.00
- In 2016, we had the opportunity to attend a number of events where we handed out another 2 cases of soft cover Big Books (40). We are continually being contacted to do more events, so we’d like to plan on replacing the 2 cases for next year’s events.
Grapevines $216.00
- In 2014, we purchased subscriptions of grapevines for 2 years (2015-2016) for 2 Lincoln Libraries. We’d like to renew those subscriptions for 2 more years ($108.00)
- We’d like to purchase 2 boxes of old grapevines to share at PI events. We’d also like to take advantage of being able to send mail to military overseas and will send old grapevines there too. (30 for $54)
Pamphlets $200.00
- We continue to expand the number of events we attend, or groups we speak with. We’ve also been creating packets for clergy and doctors and handing them out personally, or at events. We’ve decided to expand and hand out literature to military, police and fire, so we’ll need to order more pamphlets for those, along with keeping our inventory stocked.
Printing costs/Supplies/Miscellaneous $100.00
- To cover printing costs (need to provide copies of minutes to intergroup each month). We’d like to make fliers to let AA members know about our committee also. This will cover any additional expenses that may come up.
Website Committee: Sean J.
Purchase of domain name ( – 1 year $ 18.17
Purchase of domain name ( – 2 year $ 36.34
WordPress renewal $119.88
Total request for 2017: $174.39
Old Business:
- Budgets turned in for 2017; take back to groups
- Vote on them next month
New Business:
- None.
Meeting closed at 7:20 p.m. and we all gathered for the Serenity Prayer.
The next meeting is Friday, November 18 @ 6:30 p.m. @ Willard Community Center-1245 S. Folsom St.
Respectfully Submitted,