Intergroup Meeting Minutes – November 2016

Intergroup Meeting Minutes-November 2016

Intergroup Meeting November
Minutes -November 18,2016
Officers: 4, Committees 5, Groups 9.
Chairman: Berince
Alt Chair: Eric
Secretary: Edward
Treasurer: Lindsey
Open with moment of silence followed by the Serenity Prayer.
Open at 635pm tradition by Jeff.
Treasurers report:
Balance forwarded from October 2016                            $1,999.53
                Life preservers                        $40.00
                1st 164 Group                         $75.00
                                Total contributions: $115.00            $115.00
                Corrections-final disbursement  $51.89
                                Total Expenditures:  $51.89                $51.89
Ending Balance for November 2016                                $2,062.64
Reserve for 2016 committee budgets:
    Treatment committee            $0.00
    Corrections                            $0.00
    Hotline                                   $20.00
    Website                                 $1.95
    PI/CPC                                  $343.12
    Intergroup committee            $50.00
Total budgeted expenses:        $415.07                               $415.07
Available balance after committee budgeted expenses:      $1,647.57
Thanks to the groups that contributed this month! Please mail check to:
    For: Linc Intergroup        For: State of Nebr.          For: General Service Office
    P.O. Box 6366               Area 41 Treasurer           Grand Central Statio
    Lincoln, NE 68506        1130 H Street, #504         P.O. box 459
                                          Lincoln, NE 68508           New York, NY 10163
                       This report accounts with the bank statements and checkbook.
Respectfully submitted in service,
Lincoln Intergroup Treasurer
Lindsay Burford    402-326-3005
Lincoln Intergroup proposed budgets for 2017
Rent (12mo @ 15)                        $180.00
PO Box                                         $102.00
Intro to Service                             $50.00
Stamps                                         $20.00
Office Expensed (copies)             $20.00
Total request for 2017                $372.00
Rent                                            $60.00
(1) Case Big Books                    $180.00
(1) Case 12x12s                         $150.00
Copies for minutes                     $25.00
less rollover form current budget $190.73
Total request for 2017               $224.27
Big Books                                      $342.00
Grapevine                                      $216.00
Pamphlets                                     $200.00
Printing/supplies/Misc.                   $100.00
less rollover from current budget   $227.99
Total request for 2017                 $630.01
Domain (                    $18.17
Domain (               $36.34
WordPress                                  $119.88
Total request for 2017              $174.39
Alt Chair Eric- 15 people showed up at the huddle, everything is going good! Think about maybe requesting $50.00 for budget for 2017.
Chair person Bernice-Seminar went really good, can learn a lot form it.
Central Office Neal-Asking for flyers for next month. Still looking for service work volunteers on the board members.
Russ H. has been hired as an assistant to and as a backup for Marcella and to learn CSO daily management.
Correction Bill O.-No minutes for the month.
Contact by State Correction to discontinue some of their meetings due to miss use of the meetings. Working on other ways to get meetings into the State Corrections. For information contact Bill or come to the next meeting its on the first Tuesday of every month at the Minute Place.
PICPC Alyssa-Potential 12-step workshop on the years we don’t usually have the workshop. Maybe work with Intergroup.
Website Shawn-Everything is updated.
District committee-Nothing to report.
Intergroup report Jason form treatment-Presents there budget for 2017.
Budget #1
Travel expenses for area meetings-$225.00
AA Pamphlets-$150.00
AA Grapevine subscriptions-$200.00
AA Big Books, 12-steps and 12 Traditions Books-$250.00
Rent for committee meeting space at the Independence Center-$120.00
Cash balance on hand as of 11/17/2016-$187.77
Total request for budget#1-$945.00 minus cash balance on hand, $187.77=$757.23
Budget #2
support materials and food for workshop-$50.00
Pamphlets for workshop-$50.00
Budget#1 request=$757.23 + Budgets #2 expenses=$100.00
Total request for Budgets #2, $757.23+$100.00=$857.23
We thank you for your consideration.
Respectfully submitted,
Jason Young
Chair, Treatment Facilities Committee
Old Business-Present their budgets for next year. Bring back to groups and will discuss next month.
New Business-None
Close at 7:40pm
Next meeting is Friday December 30. 2016 at 6:30pm at Willard community center- 1245 South Folsom Street.