Intergroup Meeting Minutes – March 2018

March 29th 2018 Intergroup, 6:30

12 in attendance

Jim – Traditions

Nicole read old minutes

Treasures Report: March Balance $3,753.03.  Available Funds are $1,091.56.  Please see attached report for any questions.

Corrections: Beginning balance of $209.30 + Intergroup Check of $57.95.  Currently needing volunteers everywhere, contact Bill with any questions.

Treatment: No money spent, there were 4 people at last meeting.  Still looking for volunteers for bridging the gap.  Currently having roughly 40 bridging the gap requests per month.

PICPC: Read minutes, please see attached minutes.

Hotline: There were 22 calls outside of central office business hours during the week of March 16 – March 22nd.   Discussed putting hotline phone numbers in contacts so calls are being answered – one call tried eight numbers before getting an answer.   Jim brought up the idea of texting people to remind them they are on the hotline list for certain hours.

Website: When meetings are updated Central Office will send word doc to website chair.  We will have the ability to choose what we want on our website (al anon, committee meetings, central office info).  Meeting list should always be current.

Special Events: Looking to create flyer to have a set meeting time every month.  Looking for speaker recommendations for July 4th.  Brock is going to contact Bethany Park about renting space.

District 3: Not Present

District 21 : Not Present

District 22: Working on district workshop about Grapevine – currently in beginning stages.

District 29: Area 41 Reunion, June 1 -3rd Columbus NE $15.

Alcathon: After buying checks, seed money ~$1,601.  WSI is asking $875.00 and want us out by 1:00 am.   Looking to have Alcathon and The Bridge loft.  Possible issues: Parking, smoking, possibly busy detox night.  Going to start promoting after July 1st.

Chair: Printed minutes are essential.  Please send sanitized minutes to website chair.

Went through Monday meeting list and confirmed active meetings.

New Business:

Possible Cinco De Mayo party – too soon.

End 7:40.