Intergroup 06/27/19
Attendance: 13 present
Minutes read; no changes made.
Traditions read.
- Final Treasury reports provided from April, May, June 2019; highlights below – see Treasury Reports for specific information
- April 2019
- Beginning balance: $5,183.23
- No contributions; (4) expenses totaling $399.63)
- Ending Bank/check book balance: $4,783.60
- Available funds (checkbook balance less remaining budgeted funds): $2,414.81
- May 2019
- Beginning balance: $4,783.60
- No contributions; (1) expense totaling $20.25
- Ending Bank/check book balance: $4,763.35
- Available funds (checkbook balance less remaining budgeted funds): $2,394.56
- June 2019
- Beginning balance: $4,763.35
- Multiple contributions (see report) totaling $2,718.96; (3) expenses totaling $634)
- Lincoln Alcathon deposit was $1,294.79
- Ending checkbook balance: $6,848.31
- Ending bank balance: $6,982.31
- Available funds (check balance less remaining budgeted funds): $3,294.73
- Balance is $410.71
- Presentation at Nebraska State Pen
- Volunteers for all committees (see Corrections report for specifics)
- Purchased 10 Big Books and 12x12s for committee inventory; 5 of each will be taken to CCCL
- Next committee meeting is July 2 at 6 pm in Room 3A at the Meeting Place
Special Events
- Everything is ready for picnic on July 4
- Groups can donate raffles
- Flier is at Central Office, as well as their website
- Discussion regarding flier not on Intergroup website/Area 41 website
- Considering an event in September
- Balance is $267
- Workshop will be October 20
- Details still be finalized (specific times, speakers, flier)
- Weekly meeting visits to Crisis Center continues
- Next committee meeting is July 14 at 1 pm in downstairs classroom at the Independence Center
- Balance is $136.86
- Group will need another disbursement to cover costs for state fair booth
- Rack purchased for brochures
- Considering a workshop for LPS
Hotline – work in progress
Web Chair – Not present
- Intergroup chair will get in touch with Web Chair
District Reports
- District 3: NA
- District 21:
- Unity Picnic on Aug 3 from 12 – 3 at Van Dorn Shelter
- Flier created and needs to be printed
- Groups within district will be speaking about their groups
- District 22:
- Planning fall workshop
- Details forthcoming
- District 29:
- July 13 event happening in Waverly, 11 – ?
- First United Methodist
- Delegates Report will be made
- Past trustee will discuss importance of delegate
- Pulled pork provided, fellowship to bring sides/desserts
Old Business
- Volunteer coordinator LCC: no new update
- ASL interpreter: no new update
- Recommended Language Linc as an additional resource
- Website Inaccuracies: concern from May 2019 had to do with Area 41 website
- Meeting/group adjustments can be emailed to Intergroup Web Chair though
New Business
- Alcathon funds are now in Intergroup’s treasury
- Should the Alcathon and Special Events budgets be held in a separate section, or lumped into Intergroup’s general treasury?
- Treasurer requests group/Intergroup input
Meeting closed at 7:06 pm.