Intergroup 05/30/2019

Attendance: 11 present

Traditions read.

Minutes read; approved after amendment made to April minutes.


  • Treasure not present. 
  • No report available.


  • Received disbursement for a new balance of $460.71. 
  • Spent $50 towards literature
  • Need volunteers for all correctional facilities

Special Events 

  • Spirituality workshop went well; 25 in attendance.
  • 4th of July picnic: everything set, flier is forthcoming. Details:
    • 11 am start time
    • 11:30 hot dogs will begin to be served; people can bring sides and desserts
    • Speaker: Chad O
    • Please ask groups for raffle prizes
  • Committee plans to continue workshops, additional events


  • Balance is $122.77
  • Committee continues to discuss October workshop; previous planned date conflicted with a Four Corners Workshop, so date is being reviewed


  • Not present


  • Work in progress

Web Chair

  • Not present

District Reports:

  • District 3: June 15 – Founders Day workshop to be held at North Pointe Community Church
    • 2224 Fletcher Ave
    • Starts at 2 with meet and greet
    • Speaker (Curt M) at 2:30 – Area 41 Archivist will give brief history of the early days of AA
    • Followed by raffle and cake and ice cream
    • Flier is available at Central Office; it is also on Intergroup and Area 41’s websites
  • District 21: Unity Picnic to be held on August 3
    • Van Dorn shelter
    • 12 – 3
    • Hot dogs provided; bring sides
    • Groups are being invited to share about their groups
    • Flier forthcoming
  • District 22: Not Present
  • District 29: throwing a party in Waverly on July 13
    • Flier forthcoming

Old Business

  • Still working with volunteer coordinator at LCC on how to get sponsors to be allowed there; discussion continues
  • Interpreter – 4 groups used to offer ASL interpreter if pre-arranged. No current need known; however, suggestion to post something at Central Office and on Intergroup’s website of who to contact should a need arise
    • PICPC previously reached out Deaf & Hard of Hearing organization

New Business

  • Member shared concern about meetings being inaccurate on website; determined website that was being viewed was Area 41

Meeting closed at 7:02 pm.