District 22 October 16, 2019
Attendees- Loren, Lindsay, Scott, Ron, Connie, Jack
September minutes read and approved.
DCM Report-
- Lindsay attended the October Area meeting as Alt. DCM
- Area 41 Elections for 2020-2021
- 76 voting members present
- WCR Trustee Candidate- Trent G.
- Delegate- Jessica N.
- Alt. Delegate- Cara G.
- Area Chair- Erika H.
- Secretary- Chris P.
- Treasurer- Brooks H.
- Archives- Matt N.
- Accessibilities and Accommodations- Sarah H
- CPC- Meredith W.
- Corrections- Pam R.
- Grapevine- Rod T.
- Literature- Fred N.
- Newsletter- Joey L.
- Public Information- Thom S.
- Registrar- Summer M.
- Treatment- Brandy N.
- Website- Ron R.
- Workshop- Albert S.
- District 22 assigned to Accessibility and Accommodations committee
- Voting Items
- Floor Action- Vote to put 2019-10-05-11:Report and Charter- to vote at the January assembly- Action Passed 48-10
- 2019-10-05-09: Confirm appointment of new Archivist. Colleen from Omaha nominated to Archivist position- confirmed by 44-0 vote
- 2019-07-20-06: Report and Charter- Stop use of sign in sheets at Area Assemblies. Vote failed 28-35
- 2019-07-20-08: Finance- Approve 2020 Area budget. Motion to amend budget failed. Vote to approve budget passed 51-6
- 2017-07-23 #005 Finance- Amend finance guidelines to add a section on self support. Vote passed 51-7
- Beg. Bal.- $1,360.94
- 1 contribution- $60
- 2 Disbursements- $143
- Ending Bal.- $1,277.94
Intergroup 9/26/2019
Treasury • Contributions $89.69 • $559.26 • Checkbook balance $6.911.61 • Available checkbook balance $4702.42
Corrections, not present
• Homeless connection event was successful
Treatment committee – Workshop on sponsorship October 20th at the Bridge
Web chair
• Second domain paid
Hotline- not present
Special events
• Open mic night October 19th, flyer is on the Intergroup website
The special events committee is talking to the districts about assistance with the Alcaton
District 3, not present
District 21, Dec 7th GSR workshop at 13th and F
District 22, workshop November 10th
District 29, elections in November
- Nov. 10
- Deposit check given to South Street Temple, we have the room from 11:30-4:30
- Review of food assignments
Old Business-
- Follow up on workshop flyers sent to website and Central Office
- District Officer binders are in progress
- Special Events committee is talking to DCMs about participation in Alcathon
New Business-
- District Elections- Delayed to November
- Make groups aware that we need participation at District elections at the November meeting!
- District Officer positions- DCM, Alt. DCM, Treasurer, Secretary, Intergroup Rep., Grapevine Rep., PI/CPC Rep., Corrections Rep.
Group Reports-
- Men’s Stag- Good, elections next week
- Everyone’s Step- Lots of newcomers, still a small group
- Big Book Bunch- Alive and well
- Searching and Fearless- Elections last week, all positions filled
- Ladies Big Book- Elections held, most positions filled, Miranda is new GSR. Meetings have been packed.
Meeting closed at 7:40