District 21 – May 2011

May 15th, 2011

District 21 Minutes

12 Traditions read by Michael F.

Officer Reports
Secretary’s Report (Michael .):
Treasurers Report (Jay D.):
Beginning Balance $403.87

In Caferiteria 50.00

Out $10.00 (rent)

Ending Balance 443.87

Intergroup Liaison Report (Emily S.): Did not attend, was ill. Has minutes, however.
Dist 3 has started a new comers meeting, going good, had 15 attend. Meeting is held on
the 2nd Tuesday of every month.

Treasurer $3,603.09, donation of $195.00 $3,552.59 ending balance.
Central office- going to meetings to update the phone lists, Spring Fling sales and raffle
Hotline had 101 calls 76 meeting calls 20 calls for volunteers, 5 for general info, 53 calls
patched to volunteer.

PIPCP 732.21 balance, 1st meeting was today.

Website visits were down 10% from last month

Special events 975.00- stuff about 4th picnic

New business – what to do with the $$ motion intergroup and central office do an
inventory so that they can better serve.

DCM report:

Meeting visits: Visited Thursday Noon Big Book Study.

Bridging the Gap-new website: www.bridgingthegapnebraska.org. DCM gave GSRs
new forms for bridging the gap at March 2011 district meeting. GSRs, distribute and
return forms to Amy today, if you haven’t already done so. 1 year of sobriety, full names
will be on list.

Amy will be creating the first draft of the Lincoln re-districting agenda item (complete
with before and after maps for background) later this month, will send to Lincoln DCMs
for editing, so it will hopefully be ready to show at our June District meeting, and we can
make further plans then.

Area 41 meeting list on web still has not been updated, Amy sent out a second request

Leftover Pamphlets from Newcomers workshop-some were distributed at Amy’s city/
county women’s jail meeting.

GSR Reports:

  1. Pocket of Enthusiasm (Steve U.): Not present
  2. Sufficient Substitute (Kari F.): Membership is steady, currently doing step study on1st Thursday of the month, last Thursday is open discussion. They will transition to a traditions study 2nd ½ of the  year. Group picnic on June 11th.
  3. Women’s Circle of Friends (Jennifer R) There are no changes, consistent attendance. Giving out books to newcomers and they do offer babysitting. Jennifer is on the treatment committee, June 11th there will be an Area 41 treatment committee workshop at the ROCC, more information to follow. Work shop in York in July, and Omaha in August.
  4. Young People’s (Rhonda): Sill looking for GSR.
  5. Cafeteria Group (Tom B.): Same stuff everything going well.
  6. Spiritual Actions (Emily S.): Things are fine, attendance may have dropped a bit in the last weeks, average around 50 to 100 people. No update on special even.
  7. Seeking Solutions (Jon R.): Going well, still have people from the treatment centers attending. Start a group inventory this summer, attendance is solid, thins out in the summer. Average 60 to 70 people.
  8. The Steps We Take (Linda S.): We did move, United Methodist at 1610 S 11th. In the upstairs room but may be moving to a larger room. We are seeing 19 to 20 in attendance.
  9. 11th Step Group (Jackie S.): Not here
  10. Sat. Morning Men’s (Greg A.): Not here

District 21 Business

Old business:

1. District boundaries/Adhoc committee. See DCM report.

2. Proposed Unity event. Are groups interested? Cafeteria group not against it, but not a great deal of interest, Sufficient Substitute is in, Seeking Solutions did not discuss, Women’s Circle of Friends did not discuss. Steps we Take is in. Date suggested is August 13th ( ALT DATE: 27th ) 1:00 – 4:00 PM Van Dorn and Pioneers Park will be checked on. Reservations made if necessary.

Discussed the information to be on the flyer: “District will provide Hamburgers and Hotdogs with buns.” “ Last name A – L dessert; M – Z Side Dish”. “Bring A newcomer and a Chair”.

Motion: Hold unity picnic August 13th or August 27th from 1:00 to 4:00 location to be
determined with a budget of $150.00. 7 in favor 1 opposed.

Minority Voice: What part of this is going to bring a new person the message of AA.

Motion passed.

3. Open positions, alt-DCM. No one has volunteered.

4. District 21 manning Coffee booth for Sept., 2011 Area 41 Assembly. Michael F., BobM.,  Kari F., Lori G., Kelli J. will be our volunteers. One night hotel, and gas will be provided to Michael and Bob. Kari and Lori already have rooms. We will have to figure out accommodations for Kelli.

New business:

1. Discuss the structure of AA in Lincoln with focus on intergroup to best serve the area.

Next business meeting will be held June 22nd, 2011