Intergroup – December 2011
Meeting Minutes – December 2011
Lincoln Intergroup
PO Box 6366
Lincoln, NE 68506
Chairman: Kirk
Vice Chairman: Bob B.
Secretary: Brian D.
Treasurer: Dick S.
Began the meeting @ 6:35 pm
The AA Traditions were read by: Mark
Roll was taken:
Officers present: 3
Committees present: 6
Group chair members present: 9
District present: 3
Minutes approved for December 2011
District reports:
Bernice/Mark (03) – There is no longer a DCM do to no one being voted in.
Chad O/Jessie (22) – No report
Tom. (21) – 291.99 treasury balance, picnic in the works. Jennifer R new DCM. Went over Area 41 voting items. Discussed updating the meeting list.
Albert S. (29) – 296.68 treasury balance, opening new account for this meeting. Discussed Area 41 voting items.
Treasurers Report:
Balance forward: $3819.78
Contribution: $0
Expenses: $0
Ending working Balance: $3819.78
Prudent res: $ 200
Thanks to the groups that contributed.
Mail checks to:
Lincoln Intergroup
P.O. Box 6366
Lincoln, NE 68506
Respectfully your servant, Dick S., Treasurer
Committee Reports:
Central Office Committee: Jim C. – Income $4,523.09 – Expenses $5,234.28 – Gain/ Loss of $711.19. Marcella reports that total office calls were 191 and 12 step calls 1. Old business: needing 2 alternative board members. Need to bring inter group up at meetings. Jim will continue to work on group list of contributions. Discussed nomination of board officers. New business: Inviting the hotline chair to come to the next meeting.
Lincoln AA Corrections Committee: Ron R. –
(LCF) Has requested some Big Books.
(CCCL) In house 12 step study Tuesday is going well core group and about a ½ a dozen inmates attend. Still looking for drivers to take inmates to outside meetings. Volunteers no longer need to take orientation class just application for background check. Call 402-471-0740 if interested.
(Old Business) Ron submitted the committee’s 2012 budget request at the Nov intergroup meeting.
(New Business) Mark H has requested 10 more big books and contacting Marcella to hold them there and mark will pick up at Central Office.
Hotline committee: NA
Calls – 126
Volunteer calls – 83
General calls – 43
Not answered – 92
MEMBERS: if you will notice there are numbers and information on the back of the sign-up sheet to further assisting the groups and our responsibilities.
PI/CPC Committee: – Set up meeting with Independence Center in January. SCC drug and alcohol class looking to get people to visit and discuss about AA and what is and what it isn’t.
Treatment Committee: Invited Corrections to come to meeting to discuss a workshop.
Website Committee: Ron E. – Reviewed email stats. Reminded people to subscribe to email updates by submitting their email address on
Special Events Committee: Carolyn. – Members are stepping down and new volunteers are needed. The funds left over maybe going to intergroup or if anyone want to continue special events to contact Matt C or Carolyn. Carolyn asked intergroup whether or not she should reserve the 4th of July picnic at same location. Intergroup agreed.
For more info on all committee reports visit
Old Business: None
New Business:
Looking for someone to take over special events committee.
Corrections committee budget approved $750.
PI/CPC committee budget approved $1000.
Treatment Committee budget approved $1000.
Meeting closed at 7:05 PM, and we all gathered for the Serenity Prayer.
The next meeting is January 27th @ 6:30 @ Willard Community Center-1245 S. Folsom St.
Pleased to be at your service: Brian D
Thanks for the opportunity to serve.