District 21 – November 2011

November 20, 2011

12 Traditions read by Linda S.

Officer Reports
Secretary’s Report (Michael F.):
Treasurers Report (Jay D.):

Beginning Balance: $291.46
In: $0
Out:$10.00 (rent Nov.), $12.73 printing
Ending Balance: $268.73

Intergroup Liaison Report (Emily S.). Not present, Amy printed out the report and read. See intergroup website for report.

DCM report (Amy/Jennifer):

Amy visited “Let’s Hear It” group to confirm it has folded. No one was there. It has been removed from Lincaa.org and Central Office meeting lists. Amy has been unable to get it removed from Area41.org, despite multiple attempts to contact web master. Area41.org meeting list is very outdated; Let’s Hear It, Changing Times groups are still listed-as well as a mistake where a New Jersey group is also listed (Stockton Speaks Group). The Steps We Take and Cafeteria Groups meeting locations are also out of date.

Alt. DCM report (Jennifer):

Hello District 21,
I had a great experience filling in as Alt DCM at Area 41 Assembly this weekend ! I am just going to give you a quick recap of the weekend, as all the details will be formally given in the Newsletter to prepare us for the new term. We had 6 voting members from our District: Jon R, Sam, Emily, Jenny H, Jeremy E & myself. Also, we had at least 3 new District 21 GSRs who attended who were able to enjoy the experience of the Elections/Area 41 Assembly.


*A motion was made and passed to take nominations from the floor

*A motion was made to accept nominations from absentees who were not able to be at Area 41 Elections due to reasons beyond their control.

West Central Regional Trustee Nominee from Area 41: Connie S was elected
(Nominees were Connie S and Marvin R)
Officers for 2012-2013 Rotation:
Area 41 Delegate: Kit J was elected
(Nominees were Kit J, Bill O, Charlie S, Charles A, Craig O and Trent G)
Area 41 Alternate Delegate: Bill O (Nominees were Bill O, Trent G, Charlie S, Charles A, Ray P, Craig O and Dave P)
Area 41 Chair : Charlie S was elected (Nominees were Charlie S, Charles A, Ray P, Craig O, Doug G, Trent G and Dave P)
Area Secretary: Ray P was elected (Nominees were Charles A, Shane S, Ray P, Pat D, Craig O & Bernice S)
Area Treasurer: Trent G was elected (Nominees were Ron A, Pat D, Jon E, and Trent G)

Area Committee Elections:

  1. Archives: Al H was elected (nominees were Al H and Shane S)
  2. Cooperation with Professional Community: Bernice S was electect (nominees Jon R, Jon E and Bernice)
  3. Corrections: Charles A was elected (nominees were Charles A and Robyn E)
  4. Public Information: Shane S was elected (nominees were Dave P, Shane S and Aneta E)
  5. Newsletter: Dustin (last name?)
  6. Special Needs & Accesability: Luke F was elected (nominees were Lisa, Aneta E and Luke)
  7. Registrar: Doug G was elected (nominees were Doug G and William)
  8. Treatment Facilites: Steve H was elected (nominees were Robyn E, Pat D and Steve H)
  9. Website : Jon E was elected (nominees were Aneta E, Pat D and Jon E)
  10. Workshop Chair: Bob G was elected (nominees were Aneta E, Gary M and Bob G)
  11. Literature Chair: Kevin J was elected (nominees were Kevin J, Dan W and Cliff R)
  12. Grapevine: Ron A was elected (nominees were Ron A, Lisa S, Pat D and Dan W)
  13. GSR Workshop Chair/Co Chair: Jeremy and Jessie W

2012-2013 Committee DCM Appointments:
Archives – District 7 & 26
Special Needs/Accesabilites – Districts 1 & 12
Public Information – Districts 2, 11 & 29
Cooperation with Professional Communities- Districts 3, 9 & 24
Corrections – Districts 5, 10 & 21
Grapevine – Districts 8, 22 & 23
Literature – Districts 16, 28 & 32
Treatment – Districts 6 & 30
Website – Districts 4 & 17
Report & Charter – Districts 18 & 31
Agenda – Districts 14, 19 & 20
Finance – Districts 13, 15 & 25

AGENDA ITEMS Area 41 Voting Results:

1) AGENDA ITEM: 2011-09-17, #011a, Agenda – PASSED by a 19-18 vote
(see Area 41 Nov Newsletter for detailed description of item)

2) AGENDA ITEM: 2011-09-17, #011b Agenda – PASSED by a 21-18 vote
(see Area 41 Nov Newsletter for detailed description of item)

3) AGENDA ITEM: 2011-09-17, #011d, Agenda – PASSED by a 34-1 vote
(see Area 41 Nov Newsletter for detailed description of item)

4) AGENDA ITEM: 2011-09-17, #013, Agenda – PASSED by a 25-11 vote
(see Area 41 Nov Newsletter for detailed description of item)
*to begin 2015-2016 Area 41 Bus Meetings will meet, January, March, August & October
AGENDA ITEM Submitted: I submitted the Lancaster County Redistricting Boundaries Agenda Item for Districts 3, 21, 22, 29 & 32

Thank you for allowing me to Serve as your Alternate DCM for District 21 !
Jennifer R.

GSR Reports:

  1. Pocket of Enthusiasm (Jenni H.): Business meeting in Nov. voted to make Jenni acting GSR early so that she could vote at Area. Meeting is going good, they have had about 50-60 people with lots of new comers. Lots of good speakers.
  2. Sufficient Substitute (Becky N.): Last business meeting elected new program chair Jamie D. attendance is good. The program chair is responsible for finding speakers. They have a 4 year Anniversery Dec 1, 2011at 6:30 pm. Question was presented if we could have access to the wheel chair lift at ROCC and is it inspected.
  3. Women’s Circle of Friends (Jennifer.): 20-30 in attendance, children are welcome. Lots of people from the treatment centers. Speaker last Sunday every month. New GSR Vicki P. and alt Bonnie H. They are bring crackers for the GSR workshop.
  4. Young People’s (Jeremy E.): Not present.
  5. cafeteria Group (Tom B.): Not present.
  6. Spiritual Actions (Emily S.): Not present. ( Jay said it’s going good )
  7. Seeking Solutions (Jon R.): Has not been present recently however assumes everything is fine.
  8. The Steps We Take (Linda S.): New GSR Chris C. Group size is still the same, doing well, nothing new.
  9. 11th step (Jackie S.) Not present
  10. The Wednesday noon luncheon group (Margaret N.) Meeting is fine, and good attendance. It’s a speaker meeting. Nothing else new. Christmas music during the meeting starting at 12:30 for every week in December.

District 21 Business

Old business:

  1. District boundaries agenda item. This was approved at all districts and submitted to Area 41 at November, 2011 assembly.
  2. Combined GSR/Delegates Report workshop Dec. 3rd. To be held at ROCC. Please check out and distribute flier to your groups.

Here’s the breakdown of what districts are contributing (I realized we didn’t have any money so I didn’t commit to too much). As we discussed last month, Sam, Jennifer and Linda will help organize.

District 3:

  • Paid ROCC for $50 for the rent.
  • Bernice-District 3, is going to make a cake.

Districts 3 and 21:

  • Each district should try to get 3 groups to contribute a pot of soup.
    • District 3 is bringing Wild Rice/Ham and Chili, and I think a Chicken soup.
    • District 21??? Margaret from Wednesday Noon is going to bring potato mushroom soup, muffins, and a large coffee pot. Chris C. from Steps We Take is making a big pot of chili and bringing an ice water dispenser.

District 21:

  • We will provide 30 copies. We will need to make copies of GSR toolpack once this gets revised.
  • District 21 will provide coffee service. We have more than enough coffee/cream/sugar/cups for this event. We also have supplies to make several pitchers of ice tea-just need ice and pitchers– and decaf coffee too-use ROCC coffee makers for that, if anyone wants that. We could use a big coffee pot.
  • District 21 will provide tableware. We have leftovers from our events that need to be used (plates-60, knives-50, napkins-200, spoons-30, forks-20). We don’t have bowls-will need 100, and we need a package of forks and spoons as well.
  • Women’s Circle of Friends is bringing crackers.

District 21 Elections: The GSRs and District 21 officers present elected the following people to fill the District 21 service positions for 2012-2014.

  • DCM – Jennifer R.
  • ALT. DCM – Linda S.
  • SECRETARY: Mike F.

New business:

  1. Obtain a lift key at ROCC, asked exec pastor Janet. They will provide a key for the lift and Jennifer will call after the Holiday to get that key for use by district 21.
  2. Take the AA general service office group information sheets back to your group, update and bring back to our next district meeting.

Next business meeting will be held December 18th, 2011