District 21 – October 2011

Present:    Jennifer S., Alternate DCM;  Jay D., Treasurer; Pat D., Temporary Secretary;  GSRs Present:  Sam R., Sufficient Substitute; Emily S., Spiritual Actions; Steve U., Pocket of Enthusiasm;  Linda S.,  The Steps We Take; Jon R., Seeking Solutions.  Alt. GSR, Bob M., The Steps We Take.
Jennifer S., Alt. DCM, chaired the meeting – Amy W., DCM, was unable to attend.

Minutes of September’s District 21 meeting were read and approved. 

Jay D., treasurer, said the district had an ending balance in September o f $72.46, which put the funds below the prudent reserve.   Contributions received in October totaled $239.00 from the Spiritual Actions and Sufficient Substitute groups, which will be deposited. Thanks!  Expenses were paid for two months rent to ROCC, leaving a total balance of $291.46, which includes the prudent reserve.

Emily S. gave the Intergroup report.  Intergroup currently has a balance of $3,796.84.  Corrections committee is still looking for drivers for CCCL.  Discussions are going on about merging the Workshop and Treatment committee next year due to lack of participation on the committees.  Hotline committee is distributing the phone lists to be a Hotline contact person.  The Central Office currently is looking to fill 2 positions as Alternate board members.  At least 5 years of sobriety is required.

Jennifer S. gave the DCM report for Amy.  District 21 and District 3 are working together to host a workshop on December 3, 2011.

GSR Reports:
Pocket of Enthusiasm – Elections were held and Jenny H. is the new GSR, and Steve U is the Treasurer.
Sufficient Substitute – Becky N. is the group’s new GSR and Keith was elected as the Alternate GSR.  Sam R. was elected as the group’s treasurer.  The group still needs to elect a Program Chair.  Attendance is good.
Women’s Circle of Friends – The group has not yet held elections.
Spiritual Actions – Elections have been held and Brian C. is the new GSR and Jay D. is the Alternate GSR.  Emily S. is the group’s new Special Events chair, and Steve Z. is the treasurer.  An emergency business meeting was held to vote on the new items coming up at Area in November.
Seeking Solutions  — Held a service workshop which resulted in getting some more people into service.  All the group’s service positions were filled.  Nancy S. is the groups new GSR, and alternate GSRs are Becky R. and Ann O.
The Steps We Take – No elections have been held yet.  One of the group’s long time members, Mark H., passed away.

District 21 Business


Jennifer reported that District 22 will be voting in October on redrawing the district boundaries of the 4 Lincoln districts.  To date, Districts 3, 21, and 29 have approved it.

Soup Sippin’ Seminar and Area 41 Delegates Report – Hosted by Districts 21 and 3.  Scheduled for December 3, 2011, 1:00 to 4:00 pm at ROCC.  More planning and discussion at November meeting.

District 21 Elections:  The GSRs and District 21 officers present elected the following people to fill the District 21 service positions for 2012-2014.
        DCM – Jennifer R.
        ALT.  DCM – Linda S.
        TREASURER:  Jon R.
        SECRETARY:  Mike F.
        INTERGROUP REP.:  Tom B.

Area 41 Voting Items at November Business Meeting:  The GSRs and District 21 officers voted as follows on the  agenda items up for a vote at the upcoming November Area 41 business meeting.
        #011a – Changes responsibility for  4-corner workshop expenses to host districts.  For: 5
        #011b – Change concerning scheduling and planning of 4-corner workshops.  For:  4.
        #011d – Change concerning hotel rate paid for speakers at Area 41 events.  For:  4
        #013 – Area 41 business meetings to be held in January, March, August & October, with the Reunion to be held in June, rather than the current schedule of January, March, September, and November.  Against:  6    District 21 would support sending this item back to Area committee.