District 29 – April 2012
April 10, 2012
Opened at 6:30 pm.
Traditions were read by: Albert S.
3 Officers Were Present
DCM – Albert S
Intergroup – Matt C.
Secretary – Sheila H.
Treasurer – Not Present (Emailed report) Luke F.
1 Meeting was Present
Eric H. – Friday Night Eagle Group
Secretary’s Report: Sheila H. March 13, 2012 Minutes were read Approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Luke F. Balance of 4/8/2012 $334.56
Rent is paid through June of 2012 in the amount of $10.50.
Contribution was received by the Belmont Group in the amount of $49.00
Still there is no PO Box, so if there are contributions please bring the donation to the District Meeting.
Intergroup Report:
District 3 continues without a DCM.
Other Districts present ~ 21, 22 and 29 –
10 meetings/groups were also present
Treasurers Report: Balance Forward $3,828.78,
Total Contributions $147.97 –
Total Expenses $825.55
District 22 Chili Cook off $55,
Hotline $6.29,
Treatment Committee $250.00
Ending Working Balance $3,151.20
Central Office Committee
Income $7,980.26 Expenses $7686.10 Gain/Loss $294.16
Central Office is in need of alternate Board members. Contribution lists were distributed.
Corrections Committee Balance $289.30
(D & E) – Bill O; Monday night meeting is looking for volunteers. Call Bill if interested.
(Old Business) – Luke H from Treatment Committee was in attendance and our discussion of a joint Corrections/Treatment workshop continued, with an emphasis on Bridging the Gap, since it is what both committees have in common. It was decided that a workshop about Bridging the Gap, and drumming up more volunteers to be temporary sponsors, would be a worthy project.
Hotline Committee
95 – Calls, 77 Requesting Meeting Information, 18 – 12 Step Calls and 28 – Unanswered
New call lists will go into effect the first week of April
PI/CPC Committee
Workshop approved for CEUs. Independence Center has sent out fliers to inform professionals about event.
Committee decided to advertise in the LJS, but will seek more advice from Jerome/Pam.
Website Committee: (Ron E.) – So far there has 1542 Hits to the website which is up from last year.
Old Business:
Lincoln AA Anniversary Celebration
Robert C. was present. The first meeting for this is scheduled for Aug. 11, 2012 at 2pm at the Hwy Diner
More people volunteered to help during the meeting. More discussion about if this should be run through Special Events. Robert is willing, but doesn’t believe it necessary. Since Jeremy (Special Events Committee) was not present. Discussion about Lincoln AA Anniversary is tabled.
New Business:
PICPC requests $558.69 for an ad for the upcoming workshop to be placed in the Lincoln Journal Star and Neighborhood Extra to reach the public.
Voted – Approved. – A copy of the ad and workshop content will be provided at next meeting.
DCM Report: Albert S.
Charles A. (Area 41 Corrections Chair) emailed Albert information on the Nebraska Department of Corrections hand out. It talks about what it is and isn’t. It also has a sample of where correction facilities are in correspondence to districts in Nebraska.
Ray P. (Area 41 Secretary) emailed Albert information on the new Service handbook and its changes.
Old Business:
Continue to talk to groups that District 29 is still seeking people to serve as Alternate DCM and Alternate Intergroup representative.
New Business:
Sheila H. (Secretary for District 29) GSR for Lincoln Foxhall will continue to be secretary, not representing a group in district 29 even though the new boundaries have taken place, putting Lincoln Foxhall in District 3.
Group Report:
Friday Night Eagle Group – Eric H. (Friday 8:00PM ~ Eagle) The group is averaging 10 to 13 people in attendance. The speaker meeting brings in a lot more people taking the attendance up to approximately 20 people. The group is seeing more of the old people coming back to the group. The meeting is going well.
Closed at 6:56 pm with the serenity prayer.
Next Meeting will be held May 8, 2012 at 28th and “S” streets 2nd floor at 6:30 pm.