District 21 – February 2012
District 21 Agenda
12 Traditions read by: Nancy S.
Officer Reports
Secretary’s Report (Michael F.):
Treasurers Report (Jon R.):
Beginning Balance: $319.96 (bank statement $400.07) (prudent reserve is $150.00)
Seeking Solutions $100.00
Sufficient Substitute $31.00
Check to Jennifer to reimburse for Room and Gas – $57. 62
Rent $10.00
Ending Balance: $383.84
Intergroup Liaison Report (Tom B): had 3 to 4 officers present, had ending total attendance of 19. Had 3 committees present.
Dist 3 – Had a person there Mark, and they have $40.00 in the account.
Dist 21/22 – they have $1,034.44. Looking at disbursements.
Dist 29 – Ending balance. $296.68 rent is paid and need alt DCM.
Treasurer’s report: Forward $3,819.78 had contributions $100.00 from seeking solutions $3,919.78.
Central office: Looking for alt board members, mentioned that during the meeting they are trying to bring up intergroup attendance. They continue to work on a group list of contributions. They are trying to find out if Jim B is interested in being on the board, need to invite the Hotline chair to the next meeting. Pres: Jim K. Vice pres: Craig L. sec. Drew alt sec Gail, treasurer is Eric E.
Corrections committee: $169.30 balance, pay rent for the next 6 months.
LCF: Chad returned to jail.
CCCL: mens inhouse step study tuesday night continues to go well, Drivers no longer need orientation class, just an application and background check.
Tom E. Delivered 10 big books to LCF
New Business: Consult on joint workshop between corrections and treatment.
Treatment committee not present.
Hotline: 90 calls, volunteer 17, general calls 73, people who did not answer 24.
PICPC: working with independence center on what is and what is not AA. Will be Tuesday April 4, 2012. BLGH West.
Website: review stats for site. Looking good.
Special Events: Not present. Need chair for special events. Continue discussion on new comer orientation to be taken over by another district or intergroup. Update requested about the anniversary.
Suggested that these notes be downloaded and inserted into the next minutes.
Dan W was elected as our new Area 41 Literature Chair.
DCM report (Jennifer R.):
I was able to attend the Area 41 January Assembly in Columbus. It was a very busy weekend but very productive.
I was impressed of the fact that Dist 21 had the most representation at the assembly, and we even received cheers from the floor when I was able to proudly announce we had 7 eligible voters at the Literature Chair Election. What a great start to the new term and I hope our representation is apparent of the willingness we are to be of service to our AA Groups and our community.
Linda S, Alt DCM, also attended the Area Assembly and joined me at the Corrections Committee Meeting, as well as all the other festivities. Being the first committee meeting of the rotation, we discussed many things, however, there is a slide show used in New York that was updated to be Area 41 specific. Area would like the groups to review in case they had any concerns as this slide show would be used both inside and outside of AA (jails, probationnofficers, etc.). If you did not receive this email, please let me know.
Proposed 2012 Area 41 Budget.
An amended budget was accepted and approved as amended 36 for -1 against : Area 41 PASSED
AGENDA ITEM: 2011-11-12, #014, Report & Charter VOTE
The GSR Workshop shall be an assigned Service Position within the Area 41 Agenda Committee similar to the Area 41 Workshop Service Position.
Area 41 Vote was 18 for and 18 opposed : Agenda Item is DEFEATED (neither passes or fails)
AGENDA ITEM: 2011-11-12, #017, Report & Charter VOTE
Area 41 shall replace all “Scope and Responsibilities” statements with the following: Standing Committee Composition, Scope, and Procedures…
Area 41 Vote was 31 for and 5 against : Area 41 PASSED
GSR Reports:
1. Pocket of Enthusiasm (Jenni H.): Going well, we are ASL interrupter raised rates by $5.00 will still have ASL 2nd Wednesday of the month. Business meeting to move due to Jenni H. work schedule, to be voted on at the next business meeting.
2. Sufficient Substitute (Becky N.): Goes normal, nothing to report.
3. Women’s Circle of Friends (Vickie P ) Not present
4. Young People’s (Miranda R.): Nothing to report
5. Cafeteria Group (Tom B.): Attendance about 50 last meeting, scholarships to the spring fling will probably be made. Things are good
6. Spiritual Actions (Brian C.): Thing are good.
7. Seeking Solutions (Nancy S. ): Things are good, next Saturday is the anniversary breakfast, Feb 25, 2012 9:00AM breakfast, 10AM speaker.
9. 11th step (Jackie S.): Not present
10. The Wednesday noon luncheon group (Margaret N.) Not present
11. Steps we Take: (Chris C.) Giving out scholarships being given, have done 2. Numbers are good and steady, slightly higher.
District 21 Business
Old Business:
1. Goals for District 21 for 2012-2013 Term? Any feedback from groups?
a. Workshops or Unity Picnic? Ask groups what they did/didn’t like
b. Any new ideas? – Ask groups.
c. Group History info missing at the Area level – groups could write a group history for archives.
Becky N. from Sufficient Substitute: Agreed that the picnic was a great idea. They would like to see a district budget, suggested a district inventory, for workshop ideas they suggested a 7th tradition workshop, and would like to see more group involvement in the workshop process.
Jon R. Park shelter was $85.00 but was expensive. Try to book early, and make this a topic for the next meeting. Look at setting a date during the late spring summer months. Need to look at the the events calendar and the surrounding holidays.
New Business:
1. The Area 41 website is www.area41.org.
If you haven’t already, please take a look and make you’re your Group is listed to make sure it is showing as ACTIVE.
There is one password protected section — the “Members Services” section. When you click on the menu item, a login form is displayed.
The login is: iamadrunk
The password is: thankgodiamsober
The login and password may be given to any AA member.
In the “Members Sevices” section, you will find the Area 41 agendas and newsletters.
Every Officer, Committee, and District has a webpage. So far, only District 09 has
started to use their webpage.
2. All group updates need to be given to the Registrar by April 10th to be put in the Regional Directory. I would like us to be able to give our updates to Doug (Registrar) at the March Area 41 Assembly.
3. Area 41 will be selecting a host district for the 2013 Area Reunion in North Platte at the March meeting.
4. Lancaster County Redistricting Agenda Item will be voted on at the March Area 41 Assembly. ( see maps )
Motion to vote Passed
5. Any interested in joining the other Lancaster County Districts in a “Grapevine” Workshop?
6. Mike E. Has set in motion a date for a grapevine workshop for May 12, 2012 11AM to 4PM at Center for the People in Need, rent is taken care of. Total budget is $100.00 Speakers Ken B. & Charlie S. Workshop is from 2-3, chaired by Ron A. consists of history, recent events, future musing, and a 15 min Q&A. Coffee and Tea to be provided. Would like to know an idea of attendance. No committee as there does not seem to be a lot of work to do. They are accepting donations. Budget: $40 fuel Ron A., 25.00 rent, 10.00 fuel fro Ken B., 25.00 for paper plates etc. At 12:00 NOON chili cook off. Vote for hottest, best and an award with bragging rights. 20min time slot to fill out raffle tickets for a 1 year subscription to the grapevine. A-M side dish N-Z desert. Would like to have 4 to 5 bodies to help bring in food, getcups and plates available. Chris C, Jon R, down for setup. Donations of needed items will be accepted as well. Jon R. suggested making a donations
7. Motion: Make a donation to the grapevine workshop in the amount of $25.00. Passed
Area 41 Assembly will be held March 10th and 11th at New World Inn in Columbus
Next business meeting will be held March 18th, 2012