Central Service Office – December 2011
Lincoln Central Service Office Board of Director’s Meeting
December 15, 2011
1. Open With Traditions:
2. Attendance: Jim, Craig, Marcella, Gayle, Eric, Dru & Klara
3. Minutes: Approved
4. Treasurer’s Report: Eric
Income: $5,156.55
Expenses: $5,560.76
Gain/Loss: -404.21
5. President’s Report: Jim K. – Nothing to report
6. Intergroup Report: Jim K.
7. Office Manager’s Report: Marcella
a. Total office calls in June: 187 12 step: 3
8- Old Business:
- Need 2 alternate board members.
- Need to start bringing intergroup up at meetings.
- Jim will continue to work on group list of contributions.
- Find out if Jim V. wants to continue to be on the Board.
- Jim will invite Brian from hotline to attend next meeting.
9. New Business: Central Office Board Officers elected:
President: Jim K
V.P.: Craig
Secretary: Dru/Alternate- Gayle
Treasurer: Eric
Need 7 volunteers for Central Office inventory
Need to contact John V. to find out if he is still on the board.
Next Board Meeting: January 19, 2012