Intergroup – October 2012


Meeting Minutes – October 26, 2012
Lincoln Intergroup
PO Box 6366
Lincoln, NE 68506

Chairman: Bob B.
Vice Chairman: Ron R.
Secretary: Jessi W.
Treasurer: Dick S.

Began the meeting @ 6:34 pm

The AA Traditions were read by: Becky R.


Officers present: 4
Committees present: 5
Group chair members present: 8
Districts present: 3

Total People Present: 16

Minutes approved for September 2012

District reports:

Bob M. (03) – Not present

Tom (21)

Balance – $665.47

Still discussing changing meeting locations (possibility: BryanLGH West, groups voting

Mike E. (22)

Balance – $528.46

Workshop in March

Voted and approved to put a bid in for the 2014 Area Reunion

Stacey N. (29)  – Nothing to report

Treasurers Report:

Balance forward: $2,212.70


Ladies Big Book Study  $87.00
60 Minutes    67.00

Expenditures: $2,366.70
Special Events – Funds repaid    $629.28
Correction Committee – Final    $131.00

Ending Balance $1606.42

Reserve for 2012 Committee Budgets
Treatment    $500.00
PICPC (Corrected)    $235.74

**Intergroup’s Balance after these Obligations    $   870.68

** This balance indicates where intergroup would stand at the end of the year, if all money requested by committees is disbursed and no more contributions are taken in from AA groups.

2013 Budget Request

Treatment Committee    $1,000.00
Corrections (2012 – $750)    TBA
Hotline    $  20.00
Website    $100.00
PICPC    $600.00
Intergroup    $250.00

Thank you to the groups that contributed this month!

Mail checks to:

Lincoln Intergroup
P.O. Box 6366
Lincoln, NE 68506

Respectfully your servant, Dick S., Treasurer

Committee Reports:

Central Office Committee: (Jim K.) – Meeting September 20, 2012

Treasurer’s Report: Income $5,920.32
Expenses $4,850.30
Gain/Loss    $1,070.02

Old Business

Still need 1 alternate board member
Still discussing attending other meetings to discuss CO and its role in community.
Jim K. will check with the meeting place about putting flyers for upcoming events online.

New Business

Old-Timers DVD will NOT be sold. There is one copy at CO for archives, and one copy with the Old Timers Committee.
Jim will find the list of old-timers that will be speakers/sponsors for Marcella to go through and verify

Next Meeting: October 18, 2012

Corrections Committee: (Ron R.) – Meeting: October 2, 2012

Beginning Balance    $559.30
Received Intergroup disbursement    $131.00
Workshop Expenses    $308.36
Balance    $381.94

(City-County Jails) – Joe G.  Search for Spanish-speaking volunteers continues.

(CCCL) – Tom E. In-house 12 Step study on Tuesday nights continues to go well. Attendance has picked up.

(RTC) – Bill O.  Facility still on lockdown

(Old Business) – Continuing discussion of joint workshop with the Treatment Committee. Took place October 6.

(New Business) – An inmate at the correctional facility in York sent a letter to the CO which Marcella forwarded to committee. Inmate requests a large print Big Book and a copy of Daily Reflections. Committee agreed to do this.

**Next Meeting, Tuesday, November 6 at 6pm – Meeting place (28th & S), room 2A

**Committee will have a budget next month!**

Hotline committee: (Brian C.)

Calls – 50
Requesting Meeting Info – 44
12 Step Calls – 6
Not answered –15

** These are numbers from the new lists that are in affect for October, November, and December.

MEMBERS:  Please note, there are numbers and information on the back of the sign-up sheet to further assist the groups and our responsibilities. Suggest to people signing up they save the numbers in their phone so they know it’s the hotline when a call comes through.

PI/CPC Committee: (Jessi W.)

Balance: $603.32

Kjerstin is generalizing our letter so it can be sent out to new contacts as they are made

Committee members are passing around signup sheets in meetings for AA members to put their names and numbers on if they are interested in sponsoring, giving rides or both for Lincoln Drug Court, Lincoln Adult Probation/Diversion, and Juvenile Probation/Diversion

Pamphlets were ordered from Area 41 (12 questions) to be disbursed in waiting rooms once they are received.

Treatment Committee: (Becky R.)  –

Balance: $391.14
Will pay rent ($120)
12x12s for St. Monica’s have been delivered

Plan to invite Area Treatment chair down to meeting in January to get some direction

Want to get a sheet going to better explain profit/nonprofit treatment centers

Would like to get a better scope/responsibility

Interested in doing a treatment specific workshop

Meeting will return to Independence Center next month

Website Committee: (Ron E.)

Intergroup, Districts 3, 21 and 29 meeting minutes and Central Office Bulletin from October have been posted.

Special Events Committee: (Carol)

Holiday Party – December 1

Groups can put together baskets for the raffle and donate to the committee. Can promote your meeting.

Intergroup expressed concerns with the committee getting donations from stores.

Any AA member is welcome to donate to the party

Steve U will DJ **Meets 3rd Sunday of the Month at 1pm at the HiWay Diner. (This is no longer listed on the meeting list for some reason.)

For more info on all committee reports visit

Old Business:

Intergroup pamphlet – all this info is found somewhere on the website

Meeting times needed to be updated, gone over during meeting

Bob will bring more copies next month for DCMs and others to take back to groups

Will be available on website

Question: Why is Central Office at Intergroup meetings
Answer: we cooperate with them.

Should we visit groups to tell them about Intergroup?
NO! Not going to make a difference.

New Business:

Intergroup had a request for 96 Big Books from somewhere in Northern Nebraska

We suggested the individual go through Area and/or his District.

Suggestion: Intergroup meet quarterly rather than monthly

Feedback: like the idea, but don’t think it will work.

Group decided to think on it.

Meeting closed at 7:30 p.m. and we all gathered for the Serenity Prayer.

The next meeting is Friday, November 30 @ 6:30 p.m. @ Willard Community Center-1245 S. Folsom St.

Thank you for allowing me to be of service.
Jessi W.