District 22 – November 2012

November 7th, 2012

1.      Traditions read by: Ron R.
2.      Members in attendance: three
3.      DCM/ALT DCM reports: Nothing to report

5. Treasurers report: N/a
6. Intergroup: N/a
7. Secretary minutes:
Motioned/Seconded for approval? yes
8. Old Business: Table discussion about upcoming March workshop.
Waiting to hear about the monthly bank charge.

9. New Business: Voted on Agenda items. Item 2012-3-10-004 Finance:
Fails. Item 008: fails. Item 006: Passes.

10. Group Reports:
a. 164: Kelly-new intergroup rep-Lisa. Looking for a place to hold
meeting Christmas & New Years. Attendance same.
b. Big Book Bunch: N/a
c. Stag: Ron R.- 30+/- people. Meeting going fine, but we have a new
treasurer and I don’t trust him.
d. Sunday Night Wkshp: N/a
e. Wild Bunch: N/a
f. Rainbow Group: N/a
g. LBB Study: N/a
h. Everyone’s Step: Na/
i. Tuesday step and study:
j. Big Book Bunch N/a