District 21 – March 2013
District 21 Business Meeting Minutes
Traditions read by: Jay D
Officer Reports
Secretary’s Report (Michael F.): read February Minutes
Treasurer’s Report (Jon R.):
March/February 2013 – District 21 Financial Report
Balance from West Gate: $602.39 – February 4, 2013
Other Assets:
Undeposited checks from:
Seeking Solutions: $123.60
Sufficient Substitute: $45
February Expenses: Rent $10
Balance before February expenses: $770.99
DCM Meeting Expenses: 3.08
February Balance: 767.91
Deposit: $27 (Sufficient Substitute)
March Beginning Balance: $794.91
Area 41: $90.06
DCM Copying Expenses: $1.67
Balance: $703. 18
March 2013 Balance minus $150 prudent reserve: $553.18
Intergroup Liaison Report (Brian C.): not present
March 17, 2013
(for full details, full report can be found on lincaa.org)
DCM report (Jennifer R.):
I was able to attend the Area 41March Assembly in North Platte last weekend, The results of the voting
items is as follows (see Area 41 Newsletter for full description and background info):
AGENDA ITEM 2012-01-12 001 Agenda – Select the District to host the 2014 Area 41 Assembly
*Dist 22 will be hosting 2014 Area 41 Reunion (no other Districts placed a bid)
AGENDA ITEM 2013-01-12 002 Agenda – Select the location for 2015-2016 Area 41 Meeting weekends
and Reunions.
*Midtown Holiday Inn in Grand Island was the selected location
(Final Vote was 19 for Midtown GI and 17 for North Platte Sandhills Convention Center)
AGENDA ITEM 2013-01-12 003 Agenda -Amendment to the Area 41 Reunion Guidelines to allow 2
hours for Delegate’s Report preferably on Saturday.
*PASSED ( 29 For and 3 Against )
AGENDA ITEM 2013-01-12 004 Archives – Provide funding for Archivist to attend the National
Archives Convention in September, 2013.
*PASSED ( 32 For and 1 Against )
AGENDA ITEM 2012-01-21 #01a – method of handling a possible appeal if an Area 41 Standing
Committee decision to “Take No Action”.
*PASSED ( 33 For and 3 Against )
AGENDA ITEM 2012-01-21 #001b – Approve the Area 41 Service Handbook
*PASSED (33 For and 3 Against )
Yours in Service, Jennifer R
GSR Reports:
1. Pocket of Enthusiasm (Jenni H.): Meeting going well still trying to get meeting to LCF they are
finally making disbursements from the group.
2. Sufficient Substitute (Keith K.): we continue to have speakers coming from various districts
from the state, last meeting in the month is closed.
3. Young People’s (Miranda R.) Nothing new.
4. Spiritual Actions (Jay ): Things going well.
5. Seeking Solutions (Nancy S .): Things going well.
6. Steps we Take( Michael F): Numbers are down.
7. Womens circle of friends ( Bonnie H.): Vickie P. resigned, and Bonnie is the new GSR, no Alt
GSR at this time. Saturday Speaker meeting is still being held, attendance is holding well.
District 21 Business
Old Business:
1) Possibility of Dist 21 Hosting a Hospitality for this year’s reunion held May 31 – June 2nd:
Feedback from Groups:
Miranda mentioned that they felt in their group that this had to be arranged by last Area, however this
is not the case. They expresses no interest after that was brought up. Pockets has decided to fund
scholarships to the reunion, the money will be used to fund Jenni to attend.
Keith from Sufficient Substitute felt that this had already been decided. His group focused more on how
to budget for the food. Spiritual Actions mentioned that they would not be willing to support this event in
any way.
Based on the discussion from the GSR’s present this event has been determined to not be the best use of
our funds, time and energy.
Vote: Failed
2) Any interest for the Alternate DCM Position? none – Jennifer mentioned she will not be able to attend
the May Dist 21 meeting as she will be out of town for a family wedding. Jon R offered to chair this
meeting if we did not have an Alt DCM by May.
New Business:
1) Pick a Date and Place for Dist 21 Unity Picnic –
Research: As of Friday, March 15th the Van Dorn Enclosed Shelter is available for Sunday July 14th
and July 28th.
6 Votes for the 14th
1 Vote for the 28th
$80 rental fee to reserve the shelter. We then need to pay a $50 deposit the Friday before and pick up the
key. We will return key and they will mail check back if “all good.
Do we want to invite Delegate to Picnic or GSR workshop at end of the year?
We felt that the delegate report was a better fit to the GSR workshop, then the picnic.
Discussion on how to get more new people to the picnic, invite a new person to the event, have them ride
with us. Discuss the history of the groups was mentioned.
suggestions were made to have some “fun” things at the picnic such as Hackisack contest or some
other contests
The next Area 41 Business Meeting will be held on Sunday, April 21st, 2013