District 22 – May 2013

Date: 5/15/13

1.      Traditions read by: Emily S.

2.      Members in attendance: KJ, Emily S., Ron R., Mike E., John S., Jesse H.

3.      DCM/ALT DCM reports: None at this time

5. Treasurers report: $591.72

6. Intergroup: Read by John S. Minutes are not being posted early enough.

7. Secretary minutes: Read by Jessi H.
Motioned/Seconded for approval (Yes)

8. Old Business: None

9. New Business: Began discussions for Area 41 Reunion for 2014

10. Group Reports:

a. 164: Anniversary had good turnout. New little big books for newcomers. Approx. 35 members
b. Big Book Bunch: N/A
c. Stag: All good. Positions filled and staying around 30-35 members.
d. Sunday Night Wkshp: will start saving $25 so GSR can always go to Area. Discussing putting minutes in digital dropbox.
e. Wild Bunch: All good!
f. Rainbow Group: N/a
g. LBB Study: Still looking for alt. GSR. Also looking for intergroup Rep. Smoking meeting going well.