District 21 – June 16
District 21 Business Meeting Minutes
June 16, 2013
Traditions read by: Nancy S.
Officer Reports
Secretary’s Report (Michael F.):
Treasurer’s Report (Jon R.):
June 2013 Financial Report:
May 2013
Total Balance: $746.51
Minus $150 prudent reserve: $596.51
June 2013:
$10 Rent
$13.50 – Picnic Supplies
$2.94 – Misc DCM supplies (postage and agendas)
Revenue: $0
Total Balance – June
$719.56 (w/Prudent Reserve)
$569.56 (w/o Prudent Reserve)
Intergroup Liaison Report (Brian C.): Not present
(for full details, full report can be found on lincaa.org)
DCM report (Jennifer R.):
Thank you all for dealing with the “No Agenda” situation from the May Dist 21 meeting and running the meeting without me. My emails came back that I had sent to Jon to print off so he never received them. I had a wonderful time with my daughter in Portland and I appreciate Jon for chairing and Jenni H for grabbing the Area 41 September Newsletters while she attending the Area Reunion.
I received an email from Brian W. on Friday that unfortunately, he will not be able to speak at the Dist 21 Unity Picnic, so we will need to find a replacement speaker and get new fliers printed up. I will need to have some help distributing fliers once they are revised and printed off.
Alt DCM report (Miranda R.): Nothing to report.
GSR Reports:
- Pocket of Enthusiasm: Not present
- Sufficient Substitute (Keith K.): Everybody is looking forward to the picnic, 12-14in attendance Lori is serving as the program coordinator, they do need to fill the ALT GSR position as well.
- Young People’s ( Miranda ) They did not have a business meeting, however they do still need an ALT GSR. They will be filling out a change form for the change in GSR to Zack.
- Spiritual Actions (Brian/Jay): Not Present
- Seeking Solutions (Nancy S .): Things are going well, attendance is steady. They are going to need an ALT GSR as theirs is relocating.
- Steps we Take( Michael F): Things are going well, the attendance is dropping a bit, but we do have several people that have become regulars.
- Women’s Circle of Friends (Bonnie H): Has not attended the meeting due to scheduling conflicts, however she did submit some questions regarding the condiments and group will again donate ketchup, mustard, and relish.
District 21 Business
Old Business:
1) Dist 21 Unity Picnic – Sunday, July 14th
What has been done so far:
- Shelter has been reserved from 12:30-4:30 including set-up and tear down time
- $80 rent has been paid
- We have coffee, creamer and sugar as well as plenty of plastic spoons and knives, and forks
- We have about 30-45 coffee cups and a package of 120 napkins
- Women’s Circle of Friends will bring Ketchup, Mustard and Relish
- Steps We Take will bring buns
- Sufficient Substitute will handle lemonade, water and coffee
- Spiritual Actions will bring a big coffee pot
- We provided a $50 deposit check to Jennifer for the key deposit.
- Jennifer bought more approx 50 coffee cups
- Jennifer revised the Unity Picnic Flyers with Joyce L as the speaker
Recovery – Joyce L. ( Confirmed )
Unity – Mike L. ( Confirmed )
Service- Suggested possibility of Cassie from Omaha ( Confirmed )
What needs to be done:
- We need a grill. A way to haul and return. Keith is going to check with Luke to see if he would be willing to bring a grill for us.
- Jennifer will pick up the key the Friday before and then return key for deposit check to be mailed back.
- Jenni H will get hamburger patties at Sams $24.98 for 40 burgers and $9.18 for 30 hot dogs X 2.
New Business: Copies of the news letters was made available to all in attendance.
Was mentioned as a reminder to encourage our group members to start coming to the business meetings for Dist. 2
Discuss with your groups to see if they would be willing to allow the District to fund the ALT DCM in going to the next Area meeting in September 14 and 15.
The next Area 41 Business Meeting will be held on Sunday, July21st, 2013