Intergroup – November 2010

Lincoln Intergroup
PO Box 6366
Lincoln, NE 68506

The AA traditions were read by Ron R.


Minutes approved for October 2010
Minutes were approved


Bernice 3 – No report

Amy Z 21 – No report

Ron R 22 – didn’t have a meeting no one showed, no report

Albert 29 – 259.27 – discussed what happen at area, area 41 is going to put out another
meeting list. Half will be hard copy and rest online.

Treasures report – Dick S
Working balance – $1923.02
Contributions – $463
Monday noon
1st 164
Spiritual Actions
Saturday Morning Men’s Group
Monday Night Stag Group

Central office- Check website

Lincoln AA Corrections Committee- $438. 99

Hotline Chair- has no report and getting sheets out to meetings. Wants to put in a request
to post sign up sheets to website.

PI/CPC- no report

Treatment Chair- no report

Website- no report

Special events- Matt C. met on Sunday the 21st, pulling together on Xmas party. Still
looking for volunteers to help setup and cleanup for this event.

New Business – Next group falls on New Years so meeting will be on Jan. 7th.

Old Business

Next meeting will be held on January 7th , Willard Community Center 1245 S. Folsom

Pleased to be at your service. Brian D.