District 22 – June 2013
Date: 6-19-2013
1. Traditions read by: Emily S.
2. Members in attendance: Eight
3. DCM/ALT DCM reports: Reunion Report by Mike E.
5. Treasurers report: $591.72
6. Intergroup: Dist 21 Unity picnic. Dist 22 to host 2014 Reunion at Area 41
7. Secretary minutes: Motioned/Seconded for approval
8. Old Business: None
9. New Business: Committee formed to steer the 2014 Reunion. Most chairs filled but would still like to see anyone who would like to help out on the committee come to the first meeting on July 17 directly after the district meeting.
10. Group Reports:
a. 164: Birthday Celebration. Giving Little Big Books to newcomers.
b. Big Book Bunch: Growing to 15+
c. Stag: Anniversary in October. More to come.
d. Sunday Night Wkshp: Attendance Picking up. Doing Good.
e. Wild Bunch: Camp Fire Meetings
g. LBB Study: may be joining forces with Mens Stag for a combined anniversary party
Next District Meeting: July 17 @ 6:45