District 21 – July 2013
District 21 Business Meeting Minutes July 21, 2013
Traditions read by: Bonnie H.
Officer Reports
Secretary’s Report (Michael F.):
Treasurer’s Report (Jon R.): not present
June 2013:
$719.56 w/Prudent Reserve ($569.56 w/o Prudent Reserve)
Intergroup Liaison Report (Brian C.): not present
(for full details, full report can be found on lincaa.org)
DCM report (Jennifer R.):
We have been a busy district since our last business meeting in June. With the help of GSRs, officers and other group members, we were able to deliver Dist 21 Unity Picnic flyers to all the registered groups in our district and extended many invitations. I had also delivered flyers to Central Office and Jenni H was able to take flyers to the Area 41 Reunion as well. I saw many people whom I had not met before as well as many people whom I had seen at some of the groups in our district who do have a GSR currently. I felt the Dist 21 Unity Picnic was a success! Michael had counted at one time 66 people in attendance. The speakers did an excellent job speaking on Recovery, Unity and Service. It was nice to see the group involvement and everyone pitching in to make this a successful event. Thank you to all who went out of their way to make this such a great experience!
In the attempt to reach all our groups in Dist 21 to invite to the Unity Picnic, I discovered that two groups (11th Step Group & Changing Times Group) are still listed on the Area 41 website “Where and When” for District 21 which either do not exist or do not meet at the location listed and one of our group’s (Steps We Take) meeting location is not correct and have reported to the Registrar. I will attempt to locate the contact person for Changing Times Group to find out if they relocated or disbanded.
I have handed out a few Group Change Forms to be completed and hope to get those to the Registrar at the September Area 41 Assembly.
I received a contribution from Principles Before Personalities for $36.00 which needs to be deposited.
I have received a contribution from Sufficient Substitute for $79.00.
I want to thank Miranda R in advance for chairing the District 21 Business Meeting for August while I attend a family function out of town.
Yours in Service, Jennifer R
Alt DCM report (Miranda R.): No report
GSR Reports:
1 Pocket of Enthusiasm: (Jenni H) They had their 27th Anniversary, it went well, and attendance was good. Steve Z. the speaker was good. Things are going good, they need to find alternate meeting locations that are more affordable.
2. Sufficient Substitute (Keith K.): Things are going well, 10-15 in attendance. They will be filling out their change form and getting that turned in. Bonnie is now the new Alt GSR
3. Young People’s ( Zach ) They are still going strong. They do have some inmates coming, however they are not attending the meeting, just having people signing their cards, they have been talked to and advised cards will be not signed until after the meeting and only if they attend.
4. Spiritual Actions (Brian/Jay): Attendance is holding strong. They also have had the problem with inmates having cards signed while not attending, this was address by this group as well.
5. Seeking Solutions (Nancy S.): Things are going well, attendance is slightly down, but still very well attended. They still need an alt GSR.
6. Steps we Take (Michael F): Things are going well, 2 to 3 new regulars, we are also looking for an Alt GSR as I will be stepping down in the fall.
7. Women’s Circle of Friends (Bonnie H): Apologized for not attending the picnic,but she did hear good things about it. Their attendance is down but still good. They have been discussing service work as all positions will be changing in September. She also mentioned that she would not be here for the next meeting.
District 21 Business
Old Business:
1) Dist 21 Unity Picnic – Sunday, July 14th
Key was dropped off to Lincoln Parks & Rec and Jennifer received the deposit check back
Cassi C was given a check for $20 for mileage reimbursement
Jenni H was given a check for $43.34 to reimburse her for the meat
I will be requesting reimbursement for $26.06 (plates-$10.72, postage-$1.32, flyers & envelopes- $14.02)
Any Feedback from our groups or others who attended the Dist 21 Unity Picnic?
With 66 in attendance, the fire rating capacity for the location is 40. We will need to look at another location for next year due to increasing attendance.
2) Funding Alt DCM to go to Area in September
The consensus was to allow funding for the Alt DCM to attend Area. Yay ! Miranda !
New Business:
Voting items for Sept 15, 2013 Business Meeting
Any Literature or service tool, developed in an Area 41 committee that affects AA as a whole, be approved by the Area 41 Committee. Any modifications to already approved items would also require approval by the Area 41 Committee.
(see Newsletter for background info)
Discussion: The wording is very vague. Who gets to decide what effects “AA as a whole “. This could mean virtually anything. It seems to be very all encompassing.
-AGENDA ITEM 2012-03-10 #007 FINANCE
Area 41 maintain officer and committee checking accounts at one bank
(see Newsletter for background information)
Discussion: Which two banks were consulted and why was this information not provided. Concern was raised that some locations do not have a wide selection of banking options, and the one selected might not be represented in their locations. There is also a concern regarding some locations that do not accept debit cards for purchases, such as the central office. What should be in place for cash withdrawls.
The next Area 41 Business Meeting will be held on Sunday, August 18th, 2013