District 22 – July 2013

Date: July 17, 2013

1.      Traditions read by: Ron R.

2.      Members in attendance: Ron R., Mike E., Seth H., John S.,
Emily S., Luke H., Kyra

3.      DCM/ALT DCM reports: Nothing to report. Sept. Area 41 Newsletter.

5. Treasurers report: $591.72 + a check coming from Stag. Rent will be
paid for 2013.

6. Intergroup: John S.; Bal.- $1315.82, Central Office reported
significant loss, semi-annual budgets presented.

7. Secretary minutes: Seth H.
Motioned/Seconded for approval: Yes

8. Old Business: None

9. New Business: Voting Items; 1) 2013-01-12: R & C; Any modification
to approved items within Area 41 would require approval. 2)
2013-09-14: Finance; Area 41 going to all one bank.

10. Group Reports:

  1. 164: Up in attendance, no business mtg this last month, looking for secretary
  2. Big Book Bunch: Moderate attendance.
  3. Stag: 40 in attendance, voted on items, pluggin along!
  4. Sunday Night Wkshp: Nothing of significance, steady attendance
  5. Wild Bunch: Non-verbal thumbs up, no shenanigans out of the ordinary
  6. Rainbow Group:
  7. LBB Study: We’re good, declined to join stag event, mention of anniversary.