PI/CPC Minutes – July 2013

July PICPC Minutes


Attendance – 4

Balance: $726.56

Old Business


Each person has prospects to bring to next meeting.


Alyssa brought 100 copies of flier. Jeff will reimburse her. Taking fliers to meetings in Lincoln, Intergroup and the Central Office.

Drug Court Presentation:

Luke and Alyssa went this month

–          It was quick. Less interest from participants

–          6-7 people there

–          Still important to go and get the information out there

–          Very important to make sure people going know the traditions and know about AA

–          There have been new faces each month

Gmail Account

–          Jessi will work on uploading past minutes on to google docs.

Literature Packets:

–          Next month we will put these together

–          Bernice will print the packet holders (50 clergy, 50 health professionals)

–          Jessi will bring tape and pamphlets

–          Bernice will check with Dan about literature still not received

Mission Help:

Kj will send an email for Jessi to send to the mission

New Business

Let’s buy pie for people when they come. To get them to meeting and to thank them.