PI/CPC Minutes – May 2013
Attendance – 4
Old Business
Drug Court Presentation
Kjerstin will update format with treatment stuff (do’s & don’ts)
No participants showed up for April Meeting
Luke & Jeff will go in June
Jessi needs to remind Jesse to have people show up. (Jessi forgot to remind him in May while she was traveling)
Kjerstin still checking on gmail account
Told intergroup we don’t want money for the 2013 year.
Made an order list – Bernice will get them at Area
Will make:
– 50 clergy packets
– 50 health professional packets
PICPC needs more people to come to meetings/be involved in the committee
June meeting will be moved to June 23 due to conflicts within the committee.
– Will be working on an Action Plan
– Do the Bi Annual Budget