District 21 – May 2013
District 21 Business Meeting Minutes May 19, 2013
Traditions read by: None
Officer Reports
Secretary’s Report (Michael F.):
Treasurer’s Report (Jon R.):
May 2013
Rent: $10
April Meeting Expenses: $2.17
Revenue: (Checks deposited 4/22
$62: Sufficient Substitute
$28 Principles before Personalities
Total Balance: $746.51
Minus $150 prudent reserve: $596.51
Intergroup Liaison Report (Brian C.): Gave report (for full details, full report can be found on lincaa.org)
DCM report (Jennifer R.):
11th step Group Disbanded, which was in our district and met on Sunday afternoons at 5:00pm
Alt DCM report (Miranda R.):
GSR Reports:
- Pocket of Enthusiasm (Jenni H.): Their meeting is going well, they need a secretary, they have another Lit chair, JR will be stepping up to that position. They do believe in the spirit of rotation. They have had some people from work release, one of which received a 5 year chip.
- Sufficient Substitute (Keith K.): Meeting going well, they are holding steady and the donations are in place for the picnic.
- Young People’s (Zach C.) They do need a new Alt GSR, solid attendance.
- Spiritual Actions (Brian/Jay): Things are good, guys from CCL are still coming.
- Seeking Solutions (Jon R.): Good attendance, things are going well.
- Steps we Take( Michael F): Doing well, several new faces coming back, still very intimate roughly speaking 12 people.
- Women’s Circle of Friends (Bonnie H): Things are well, attendance is steady. They still need an Alt GSR, and will discuss if the group will be willing to donate the condiments
District 21 Business
Old Business:
1) Dist 21 Unity Picnic – Sunday, July 14th
What has been done so far:
– shelter has been reserved from 12:30-4:30 including set-up and tear down time
– $80 rent has been paid
– Checked with Bob M. he would be willing to grill only as a last resort.
-Pockets will bring forks/spoons last year (50-100 each)
– Spiritual Actions – Jay or Brian will bring in a big coffee pot
– Jenni will create fliers with “Recovery, Unity, Service”- The Three Legacies-
Rough draft by Friday
– Steps We Take will bring in the buns
– Sufficient substitute will bring in the beverages ( lemonade water and coffee )
What needs to be done:
– We need to pay a $50 deposit the Friday before and pick up the key then return key for deposit check to be mailed back.
Speaker suggestions
Recovery – Brian W. ( Jon will reconfirm )
Unity – Mike L. ( Keith will Confirm )
Service- Suggested possibility of Cassie from Omaha ( Keith will Confirm )
– Jennifer will check inventory of plates/cups/coffee, etc.
– Jenni H will check on the price for a case of hamburger patties
– Bonnie will check with Women’s Circle of Friends to see if they can donate ketchup/mustard and relish again as they did last year
New Business: none
The next Area 41 Business Meeting will be held on Sunday, June 16th, 2013