PI/CPC Minutes – September 2013
Attendance – 8
2 more new people!!!
Balance: $675.57
Introduction for new people
– What is PICPC in Lincoln all about?
– Shared experiences we’ve had
– Shared things we have done and are working on currently
Old Business
Drug Court Presentation:
Alyssa & Zech went.
– They were more receptive this month than past months
– Informal, but personal
– Questions were asked like: Why am I here? I’m an addict why does this matter?
Zech & Kensie will go in September.
Mission Help:
– Kj has email ready and sent to Jessi during the meeting. Jessi sent to Pastor Tom Barber after the meeting.
Opportunities to get AA information out:
– Providers Fair at Trabert Hall – for probation officers etc.
September 9 from 10am – 2pm
Jessi can no longer go from 10-12. Luke H & Cari J will attend instead
- Luke will pick up literature we are missing from central office along with updated meeting lists
– Mental Health Awareness walk at the Regional Center
October 4 from 11am – 1pm
Joel E & Alyssa W are definitely doing it. Jessi will send Joel the contact information so he can get the details straight from the source.
New Business
Literature Packets:
– One group says it’s not the general AA members job to get these packets out, that it’s the responsibility of our committee. Committee is not sure how to handle this so Bernice plans to bring it up to the Area 41 CPC committee for feedback. Other committee members have not gotten any negative feedback about these packets.
– Suggestion to take packets to intergroup for people to take back to groups that PICPC members don’t attend.
Area voting item:
– Bernice brought to our attention the fact that an area voting item about literature created in committees will need to be approved, may affect a piece of literature we have in our newcomer to the committee packets. We will know more after the vote at the September Area meeting.
– We spent the rest of the meeting inventorying our literature. We found we are quite low on a few things. Jessi will purchase more literature at Area in September. She will also create a spreadsheet of our literature supply for the future, so we won’t have to do this extensive inventory process again.