District 22 – September 2013
DISTRICT 22 MINUTES Date: September 18th, 2013
1. Traditions read by: Ron R.
2. Members in attendance: Ron R., Mike E. Kelli J., Seth H., Jess H.,
John S., Bill O., Emily S., Kjersten E.
3. DCM/ALT DCM reports: Jessi H. stood as DCM: Grapevine meeting
e-books, looks cool, attendance growing and is fantastic. Report &
Charter motion failed. Finance-passed to go all one bank. Emergency
voting item for Area location. Our solution in actions books to be
sent to groups.
5. Treasurers report: Bal. $671.72
6. Intergroup: Bal. $1333.37, Central Office- $3719.78,
Corrections-Good, Woman’s new jail, Treatment $245.83, Web renewed,
Special Events- Going to be notified to show up to intergroup lack of
attendance. Minutes on web.
7. Secretary minutes: Passed
Motioned/Seconded for approval
8. Old Business: Vote in DCM for next month as well as new positions,
don’t forget to mention this to sponsees and other members. Would
like to have new DCM installed so they can attend area.
9. New Business: none
10. Group Reports:
a. 164: Everything going well, attendance good, lots of newcomers
b. Big Book Bunch: Same attendance, picking up on Tuesday. Will count
money this week, and discuss distributions.
c. Stag: Good, anniversary on Oct. 14 6:30 coffee.
d. Sunday Night Wkshp: Going well, cooking along, attendance a little
low, but picking up. Elections next business meeting, want to get some
fresh blood involved. Speaking on service next week, want to put
emphasis on getting involved at all levels of service.
g. LBB Study:Oct 21 anniversary, taco bar. Flyer coming out. Elections
coming up next week. Boys welcome.
h. Everyones Step
i. Tuesday Step and Study