October 2013 – District 21
District 21 Business Meeting Agenda October 20, 2013
Traditions read by: Vickie
Officer Reports
Secretary’s Report (Michael F.):
Treasurer’s Report (Jon R.):
August 2013
$10 Rent + $28.06 (additional Picnic Expense
$195.54 (Seeking Soloutions)
September 2013
$10 Rent + $68.69 DCM Area Trip
$59.96 (Young People’s)
October 2013
Expenses: $10
$68.00 Principles before Personalities
October 2013 Balance:
$958.07 (w/ $150 prudent reserve)
$808.07 (w/o prudent reserve/available balance)
Intergroup Liaison Report (Brian C.): not present
(for full details, full report can be found on lincaa.org)
DCM report (Jennifer R.):
Since we last met I have primarily started working on organizing our GSR/Service workshop for December. Thank you to all who have been responding to my emails (multiple times) and helping me get the ball rolling. We have a few options for location, which we will discuss later and both the GSR workshop chair, Jeremy E, and Area 41 Delegate, Kit J are available on both Sunday, Dec 1 and Sunday, Dec 8th. I spoke with Bernice S, and she will be available on Dec 1st as she did an excellent service structure presentation at the end of the last rotation.
Also, as most of you already know, Miranda R needed to resign as Alt DCM as she has a new job out of state! She will be missed!
Yours in Service, Jennifer R
GSR Reports:
1 Pocket of Enthusiasm: (Jenni H) Pockets is struggling with attendance, they have seen a drop in treatment center attendance. They have requested that people mention their meeting if they can. They have speakers who do present “solution” based presentations. They will be hold elections on 11/6/13. Lots of opportunities for service.
2. Sufficient Substitute (Keith K.): Number continue to hold steady. Speakers are from various locations both within the district and without. They have elected new officers. Robin N. is the new treasurer, Program chair is Jamie, GSR is potentially Bonnie A. Alt GSR position is open.
3. Young People’s ( Zach ): They are doing well, they had elections, all positions have been filled. Zach will continue to be the GSR, Alt GSR Paige H. Treasurer is Sadie P. Set up chair Jay P. Speaker chair is Nicole S. Raffle chair is Luke H. and another person, Secretary is James W. Intergroup is Brandon J.
4. Spiritual Actions (Jay): They are doing well. Attendance is steady. They have also held elections. GSR is Brooks, and most all positions have been filled. They have one Alt position available.
5. Seeking Solutions (Nancy S.): Not present: Per Jon, attendance is holding steady and they have also held elections. Positions to be announced.
6. Steps we Take (Michael F): Attendance is steady, several new regulars are still coming. We have also held elections, our new GSR is Ed. New treasurer Michael F. We have secretary and Alt GSR and intergroup positons open.
7. Women’s Circle of Friends (Vickie P): They have had a drop in attendance. They do feel this is a seasonal drop. They have moved to the 1st floor so are now handicapped accessible. Courtney is the GSR and Maggie is the alt GSR. Treasurer is Greta G. All positions have been filled.
District 21 Business
New Business:
- VOTING ITEMS for Sunday, November 10, 2013 Area 41 Assembly
AGENDA ITEM 2013-09-4 008 Report and Charter
When DCM assignments are drawn for each election assembly, the first 2 committees to get 3 DCMS are assigned to the Agenda and Report and Charter Committees.
Both the agenda committee and the Report and Charter committee already have more people assigned to them, while they may not be DCM’s they do have quite a number of people assigned and do still have good attendance, certainly not the lowest number of people to do the work. This concern was also echoed by another group and extra man power might be better placed elsewhere. They felt that the current election process was fine.
For__1____ Against___5______
Minority Voice? None
AGENDA ITEM 2013-09-4 010 Agenda
Select a district or group of districts to host the 2015 West Central Regional A.A. Service Conference.
Dist 21 hosted in 2007. The only feedback our DCM has had was that in the spirit of rotation we should let another group host it. Jay announced that their group would be willing to help.
For__0____ Against___6______
Minority Voice?
AGENDA ITEM 2013-09-14 009 Finance
Approve 2014 Area 41 budget.
The budget seems to be fine, it also is less then was budgeted for last year. The deficit budget amount, while confusing, is consistent with previous years and much less then it has been in the past.
For__7____ Against___0______
Minority Voice?
- District 21 Elections for 2014-2015 Rotation
DCM: Brian C.
ALT DCM: Michael F.
TREASURER: Jennifer R.
- GSR/Service Workshop
- Proposed Locations & Dates
Saint James at 11th and Lake Streets. The location would hold the number of people expected and would be handicapped accessible. The location would be food friendly. December 1, 2013 is available at this location. Available after 1PM. We will investigate the cost of the location or set an appropriate donation.
25th and Pine Lake location. Price is $50.00. It is handicapped accessible. The location does not have a set up food area set up. It does have an open area that could be converted to serve as a food area.
6 for Saint James on the 1st.
0 against
- Would anyone be willing to be on subcommittee to help organize with GSR Workshop Chair?
Invite Jeremy to help with this, find old flyer and see if we can use it as a template.
- Any suggestions for Speakers/Presentations/Food?
Try to duplicate all of the information and presentations that were provided at the last GSR workshop as it was deemed to be a very good presentation. Food to be determined. Taco/nacho bar was thrown out as a suggestion.
- Any other new business?
Propose to send the Alt DCM to Area on a one time basis to gain experience in the position of DCM. Suggest to take back to your meetings and see if they would be in favor of that.
The next Area 41 Business Meeting will be held on Sunday, November 17th