Intergroup – October 2013

Chairman: Bob B.
Vice Chairman: Ron R.
Secretary: Jessi H.
Treasurer: Dick S.

Began the meeting @ 6:30 pm
The AA Traditions were read by: Alyssa W.


Officers present: 4
Committees present: 5
Group chair members present: 11
Districts present: 3
Total People Present: 20

Minutes approved for September 2013

District reports:

District 3 (Mark) – Not present

District 21 (Brian C.)

  • Had elections this month
    • Still need an IR
    • Started planning for their annual incoming GSR workshop shop that will be held in early December

District 22 (John S.)

  • Balance – $725.16
  • Elections for new district officers
    • DCM: Jessi H.
    • Alt DCM: Ron R.
    • Secretary: Kelli J.
    • Treasurer: Chris L.
    • IR: John S.
    • Groups are doing good; Stag had their anniversary celebration this month, had 60 people attend

District 29 (Stacey K)

  • No DCM or Alt yet.
  • Need a secretary ASAP

Treasurers Report:

Balance forward:                                                                                                         $1,762.36


Ladies Big Book Study                        $    25.00



Treatment Committee              $1,000.00

Website                          $   100.04

Ending Balance                   $   687.32


Reserve for 2013 Committee Budgets

Treatment                                $        0.00
Corrections                              $        0.00
Hotline                          $        8.01
Website                                  $        0.00
PICPC                                    $        0.00

Intergroup-$18 over     $        0.00

$ 1,108.01


**Intergroup’s Balance after these Obligations          $   679.31


** This balance indicates where intergroup would stand at the end of the year, if all money requested by committees is disbursed and no more contributions are taken in from AA groups.

v The check issue from Wild Bunch has been cleared up.


Thank you to the group that contributed this month!

Mail checks to:
Lincoln Intergroup
P.O. Box 6366
Lincoln, NE 68506

Respectfully your servant, Dick S., Treasurer


Committee Reports:

Central Office Committee: (Jim K.) – Not Present

Corrections Committee: (Ron R.) – Meeting: October 1, 2013

No activity this month. Balance remains          $57.58


(City/County Jails) – Joe G. & Jordan T. The move to new facility on West O Street is underway. Meetings have been cancelled until the inmates become acclimated to the new environment. We’ve been told that should take a couple of weeks, and that meetings should resume by mid-October.

(CCCL) – Tom E. The men’s in-house Twelve Step study on Tuesday nights continues to go well. Attendance is up slightly.

(RTC) – Bill O. Saturday night meeting continues to go well.

(D&E) – Bill O.  Attendance is down a bit at the Wednesday night meeting.

(Old Business) – Ron R. Is corresponding with the inmate at LCC who wrote requesting a sponsor.

(New Business) – It is time to submit our 2014 Budget to Intergroup. See new business in Intergroup Minutes for details.

**Next Meeting, Tuesday, November 5 at 6 p.m. – Meeting place (28th & S), room 2A


Hotline committee: (Brian C.)

Calls – 75
Requesting Meeting Info – 57
12 Step Calls – 18
Not answered – 42 (most of these were from just 2 callers who went through about 12 people to get an answer)

MEMBERS:  Please note, there are numbers and information on the back of the sign-up sheet to further assist the groups and our responsibilities. Suggest to people signing up they save the numbers in their phone so they know it’s the hotline when a call comes through.

PI/CPC Committee: (Jessi H.)
Attendance – 8
1 new person!
Balance: $613.67

Old Business

Provider’s Fair

Sept. 9, 10am – 2pm. at Trabert Hall.

Luke H., Anna G., Zech M. – Mostly shared with other professionals, rather than with outside people. Mostly passed out books. Was really good. Cindy wants to have a presentation (like we do for Drug Court) for probation officers. Will follow up with her about this.

— The Recovery Center liked the AA pamphlet stand we had and would like to have their own. Zech will find out more information and we will discuss next month if we should fund this or tell another committee about it.

Mental Health Awareness Walk

Oct. 4, 11am – 1pm at the Regional Center

Alyssa W., Joel E. – Good! Joel has inventory count from passing out pamphlets. They will be having an event next August that they would like to have us attend. They will be in touch.

Drug Court Presentation:

Drug Court needs to put this on hold as there is no one who can be there to open the building/room. No other night works because of lack of space or staff. Jesse (from Drug Court) will contact Jessi H. when this can resume.

Mission Help:

The mission was contacted and they thanked us for the email.


All pamphlets have been picked up and are in PICPC’s possession now. PSA is own backorder and Area 41 literature chair will get that to the committee when it comes in.


New Business

Discussion is beginning about having a presentation twice a year for probation officers at Trabert Hall. Updates will be made as this unfolds.

Curtis Center
Our information was passed to the Curtis Center and they contacted Jessi H. to see about getting a meeting in their facility like they had in the past. The Treatment committee was sent the contact information, so hopefully a meeting will get going over there.

Independent Center Workshop
We plan to do this workshop once again in 2014. The date is set for August 5, 2014 from 1-4:30. The Independent Center will again get it approved for CEUs and PICPC will beginning planning the content and asking speakers to come. More to come on this next year.

Waverly Care Center
Bernice was contacted by the Waverly Care Center interested in getting a meeting and/or information about AA out to that facility. Bernice is following up. More to come.

Contacting Colleges?
It was brought up to contact colleges (specifically the health offices) about taking information about AA to them. Stephanie M. and Mike P. will begin with contacting UNL and Wesleyan. Jessi sent everyone the generic email that Kjerstin had created. Now anyone can use this to contact entities who might benefit from our work.

2014 Budget
We discussed the budget. See New Business in Intergroup Minutes.

2014 Elections
Positions available for the next rotation were discussed along with duties and sobriety requirements.

– Chair (2 years)

– Secretary (2 years)

– Treasurer (3 years)

– Intergroup Rep (6 months)

– Literature Chair (1 year)


Treatment Committee: (Joel E.)  -Not Present

  • They did not meet in October.
  • IRs shared concerns from groups about the $1,000 that was picked up last month.
  • Alyssa W. is on the committee and she shared that it is to be used for literature.
  • Groups are mostly concerned about what facilities they are giving books to (profit vs. not for profit)
  • Intergroup would like to see a rep coming to this meeting — Preferably a chair.
    • Currently Treatment committee does not have an IR.
    • There was a reminder to Intergroup that groups did vote to approve their budget last November
      • IRs with concerned groups clarified again, it’s not about the money being taken and spent on literature, it’s who is getting the literature.

Website Committee: (Bill D.)

  • 79% of people visiting the site are going to the meeting list

Special Events Committee: (Kevin)

  • Brought fliers for the Christmas party – will be on Dec. 14
    • o Mashed potatoes and gravy for 150 people (getting a deal from a local grocery store)
    • o Might have a cake
    • o Next meeting is this Sunday, Oct 27, at 6pm at the Hiway Diner. (This is a rescheduled meeting)

For more info on all committee reports visit

Old Business:

  • Committee Budget Requests for 2014
    • Corrections

One case of hardback BB                                                                   $275.00
One case of paperback BB                                                                  $250.00
Ten paperback 12x12s                                                            $ 80.00
Copy and mailing                                                                          $ 50.00
Total request for 2014:                                                                   $655.00


Request for 2014: $200

To be received on quarterly basis – $100 every other quarter.
Current Balance: $613.67.
Budget total: $813.67

Plan for funds in 2014:

·           Big Books                                                                                $300.00

o          Drug Court is interested in receiving Big Book from us again. They used 4-5 years ago, but have had a grant for a few years, but is almost out.

·           Pamphlets                                                                                $150.00

o          Need to keep our stock plentiful. Seem to be useful to the professionals we work with.

·           Mailings                                                                                   $100.00

o          Plan to do a mass mailing to the contacts we have found to let them know about PICPC and how we would like to be of service to them.

·           Printing costs/Supplies                                                 $150.00

o          For mass mailings and putting together packets of pamphlets.

·           Workshops/Presentations                                                         $100.00

o          Any other costs for these events that are not covered. We have new things being planned so are not sure what that might entail. Will update Intergroup as those costs are realized.


  • Treatment – Not present
  • Website – $100.00
  • For domain name
  • Hotline – $20.00
  • Copies
  • Intergroup – $270.00
  • oRent and PO Box

New Business:

  • Concern with Special Events Holiday party
    • Flier has typos and the $10 charge for entry
    • Lots of discussion over this issue. Band charging $500-600. Prepay for event is $8. Committee is very small and everyone is busy so Kevin made all the decisions.
    • Motion made to table handing out fliers until Intergroup officers could attend the meeting this weekend.
      • Motion failed 7-6. People are still encouraged to attend the meeting on Sunday to support the committee.

Meeting closed at 7:30 p.m. and we all gathered for the Serenity Prayer.

The next meeting is Friday, November 29 @ 6:30 p.m. @ Willard Community Center-1245 S. Folsom St.

Thank you for allowing me to be of service.

Jessi H.