Intergroup – March 2010

Lincoln Intergroup
PO Box 6366
Lincoln, NE 68506

Chairman: Kirk. M
Vice Chairman: Bob B.
Secretary: Brian D.
Treasurer: Ray M.
March 2010 Meeting Minutes

Kirk began the meeting @ 6:35
The AA Traditions were read by: Abraham

Roll was taken:
Officers present – 4
Committees present – 2
Group chair members present – 5
District present – 1

Minutes approved for Feb 26th: Yes

District reports

Ron R. (22) – No report

Jim C. (21) – No report

Albert S. (29) – 160.48 treasury balance. DCM is visiting meetings. Flyer will be out April 24th for workshop.

Treasurers Report:
Balance: $2353.68
Prudent: $200
Working Balance: $2153.68
Contributions: $80 Thanks to Monday night VETS and STAG Meetings
Expenses: $92.50 Corrections Committee

For more info on all committee reports visit

Central Office Committee: Jim C. – No report

Lincoln AA Corrections Committee: Ron R. – No report

Hotline committee: Matt C. – No report

PI/CPC Committee: Unknown. – No report

Treatment Committee: Cody S – Houses of Hope requesting literature. Discussion whether or not they fall into the treatment scopes, Treatment Committee will talk about it and have updates.

Website Committee: Ron E. – Website is doing well, new updates on the visits per month.

Special Events Committee: Matt C. – No report

Old Business:


New Business:

Hotline chair needs to spread the word, motion was tabled.

Meeting closed @ 7 PM, and we all gathered for the Serenity Prayer. On to April 30th!

The next meeting is April 30 @ 6:30 @ Willard Community Center-1245 S. Folsom St.

Thanks Rusty F. for filling in for Secretary Position for March

Pleased to be at your service: Brian. D