Central Service Office – April 2014 Minutes

Lincoln Central Service Office Board of Director’s Meeting

1. Open With Traditions: Gary

2. Attendance: Dru, Gary, Gayle, Jim, Neil, Scott & Marcella

3. Minutes: Approved

4. Treasurer’s Report: None Given.

Income:         $5,015.27

Expenses:     $6,481.65

Loss:           ($1,466.38)


5. President’s Report: Jim thanked the Spring Fling committee for the space.


6. Intergroup Report: Not present


7. Office Manager’s Report: Marcella

  1. Total Office Calls in March _175_   12 Step __1_
  2. Spring Fling results : Sold $1,000.38 worth of merchandise and $232.00 raffle tickets. We did better in past years. Attendance at Spring Fling was up this year, but our sales were down. It was still worth setting up the room.
  3. Accidentally threw away raffle ticket stubs so 6 people need to pick up grab bags. Names on LCO bulletin.


8. Old Business:

  • Continue group visits
  • Scott B. moved from alternate to Board of Directors Member. Scott, welcome to the Board.


9. New Business:

  • This leaves the Board with no alternates and the search will begin for someone willing to fill this position.
  • A motion was made and carried for Dru to move from Secretary to Treasurer. Dru therefore resigned as Secretary and accepted the position of Treasurer. Dru, thanks for your great service as Secretary. It was greatly appreciated.
  • A motion was made and carried for Gayle take over as Secretary. Gayle accepted the position and Dru agreed to help in the transformation
  • Due to the change of Treasurer, new signature cards need to be signed by the President, new Treasurer, and Office Manager.   They plan to take care of that as soon as all three are available to go to bank together.


10. Adjourn: Having discussed all issues at hand, it was moved, seconded and carried

that the Board adjourn until next month.


Next Board Meeting: Thursday, May 15, 2014 @ 7 P.M.


Next Intergroup: May 30, 2014 @ 6:30 P.M.