District 29 – April 2014

District 29 Meeting                                                                          April 8, 2014


Meeting Started: 6:30 pm


Officers Present:                                                                              Groups Present:

DCM: Steve B.                                                                                   Life Preserver: J.R.

Treasurer: Stacey K.                                                                        Back to Basics: Stacey K.


Traditions read by: J.R.


Secretary report: Stacey read the minutes. All approved.


Treasurer report:

– Last month’s balance: $291.77

– Received check from Life Preserver: $90.00

– Paid 2nd Quarter Meeting Place rent: $10.50

– Current balance: $371.27


Intergroup report: N/A

– See full details at https://lincaa.org/committees-districts/intergroup/


DCM report:

– Reunion coming up in June.

– District 15 will host the 2015 reunion.

– Lincoln Anniversary committee has ~$2,000. They want ideas of what to do with the money.

– Found 9 groups not registered in the district.

– Continuing to visit meetings in the district


Old Business:

– District 29 continues to need an intergroup rep and secretary.


New Business: None


Group Updates:

– Back to Basics – Meeting is in need of a GSR.

– Life Preserver – Meeting is in need of an intergroup rep.


Meeting Closed: 6:50 pm with the serenity prayer