Intergroup – November 2009

Lincoln Intergroup
PO Box 6366
Lincoln, NE 68506

Chairman: Tom B.
Vice Chairman: Ron R.
Secretary: Tony R.
Treasurer: Bob B.

Tom began the meeting @ 6:33p.m.
The AA Traditions were read by Becky R.
Roll was taken.

Roll Call:

3 out of 4 officers present
6 out of 7 Committees present
2 group chair members present
3 districts present

Minutes approved for October 09.

Reviewed budget requests. Added rent to budget at the cost of $10/month. Rent is paid $60 every six months. Amounts confirmed by Treasurer. Budget amount submitted in October was $2,380 changed to $2,500 for 2010. Motion to approve minutes by Chad, 2nd by Ray. Minutes approved.

District Reports

Robert (District 22)
Group met on November 7. Six groups and four officers present. Ending balance of $477.70 reported. Voted on area items. Nothing else to report regarding group activity. Election results. Chad elected DCM. Alt-DCM is Sandra. Secretary will be Shandra. Steve elected Treasurer. Ron was elected Intergroup Liaison.

Pat (District 21)
November meeting will be held following Sunday. Reported amount of $267.14 in treasury. Election results: Amy will be new DCM. Treasurer will be Sam R. Matt S. elected Treasurer. The new Intergroup liaison is Jim C.

Matt (District 29)
Reported approximate balance of $250. May schedule workshop in the spring. Election results: Luke is DCM. Jana P. is elected Alt-DCM. Matt elected Secretary. John V. elected Treasurer. Albert S. will be the new Intergroup liaison. (District 3) – No representative present.

Bob (Treasurer)
Reviewed contributions and balance.

For more info on all committee reports visit

Central Office Committee: Jim present to give report from Oct. 15 meeting. Reviewed Treasurer’s report and income, expenses and third quarter net gain. Reviewed reports for Hotline, Intergroup and calls to Central Office. Next meeting was held November 19 and will be reported on during next Intergroup meeting.

Corrections Committee: Chad O present to give report. New officers elected at November 3 meeting. Reviewed status of area meetings and results of committee elections noting that the roles of Librarian and Treasurer have combined into one position.

Hotline committee: Matt C presented hotline report and asked specifically for help passing out the sign up sheets for the next quarter which will be January, February and March. Requested to please return completed sign up sheets to next Intergroup meeting or to Central Office before the end of December. Please put a checkmark on the list if you want to remain on the list for a full year instead of 3 month term. There’s also the option to check if you can take calls for an entire 24 hours period instead of a designated time of day.

PI/CPC Committee: No representative present. Tom notified the group that the new newsletter is currently being circulated and ask to make sure the newsletter is sent to the Webchair. Please note this group has numerous positions that still need to be filled and committees that need representatives. There are many great opportunities for service work that Tom recommends it. So try it.

Treatment Committee: Becky R. reported that elections were held and reviewed the results. There is a new member of the committee and Dave will be helping with Bridging the Gap.

Website Committee: Ron E. present to report the status of the website update. We’re in the process of moving hosting servers to allow for a database driven, dynamic website with the ability to update meeting lists more easily and archive committee minutes. Please review the link provided during the meeting and give feedback as to what content each committee would like to see on their specific page. Be sure to send any meeting and content updates to the Webchair so that it can be posted online.

Special Events Committee: Matt C. reported that the next committee meeting will be Sunday, November 22. Flyers have been distributed for the Christmas party that is scheduled for Saturday, December 5 at the WSI Hall. Since this committee is so small, please consider volunteering to help out. Flyers for the New Year’s Eve party are coming soon.

Old Business

Bring committee budget requests back to groups to decide on. Then bring group decision results to the November Intergroup meeting and prepare to vote on the budget requests at that time. Budgets have been consistent year to year however this year’s budget request was slightly higher because it includes website hosting fee which is paid every two years. Please the cost of big books went up in 2009. Chad made motion to approve the budget and the motion was seconded by Matt. Budgets are approved. Also at the next Intergroup meeting will be electing Intergroup officer positions for the next year. Bob made a motion to adjourn but decided to go ahead with elections.

Webchair/webmaster: Ron was nominated and elected.
Secretary: Tom described duties of secretary and asked for questions and for willing participants or volunteers. Becky volunteered and was elected. Thank you Becky!
Treasurer: Ray volunteered and was elected.
Chair: Duties described by Tom. Reminded members that the Chair is here to facilitate and is a voting member of Central Office. Meetings are the 3rd Thursday of the month at 7. Kirk was nominated for Chair and the motion was seconded. Kirk could not find a reason to say No and accepted the position.
Co-chair/Vice chair: Duties include filling in if the Chair can’t be present. Bob was nominated as long as Kirk promises not to move away. Bob was approved and nominated.

Please note that all duties start in January and terms are two years.

Voted to move the November Intergroup meeting ahead one week to November 20 to accommodate Thanksgiving (motion passed with 7 votes for, 6 votes against, and a couple abstainers). Looking ahead…consider moving the December Intergroup meeting ahead one week to accommodate Christmas.

New Business

Discussion for the December meeting date. Chad made a motion to move up one week to December 18 instead of the following week to avoid having the December meeting on New Year’s Day. The option was discussed to move up the meeting two weeks but that would be December 11th. Motion was seconded and approved for the December 18 date.

Chad made a motion to close the meeting. Meeting closed at 7:32 PM, and we all gathered for the Serenity Prayer.

On to December 09! The next meeting is December 18, 2009 at 6:30 p.m. at Willard Community Centerm 1245 S. Folsom St.

Pleased to be at your service: Tony R.