Central Service Office June Meeting Minutes
Lincoln Central Service Office Board of Director’s Meeting
June 19, 2014
1. Open With Traditions: Neil
2. Attendance: Klara, Jim, Neil, Craig, DR, Gayle and Marcella
3. Minutes: Approved
4. Treasurer’s Report: The Treasurer sent the May reports showing May wasn’t a very good financial month for CSO. Income from both sales and individual groups was down resulting in a net loss for May.
Income: $4,268.95
Expenses: $5,010.43
Loss: ($ 741.48)
5. President’s Report: We had a guest, Jim J., who explained how Bridging The Gap program is being revitalized. Some good discussion followed.
6. Intergroup Report: Jim attended Intergroup and reported there were 15 – 18 people in attendance.
7. Office Manager’s Report: Marcella
a. Total Office Calls in May _138_ 12 Step __4_
b. Summer/Fall meeting list should be available next week.
c. The inventory figures are now completed and a report was included.
d. Marcella is still in need of a contact number for Public Information.
8. Old Business:
• The CSO Board’s search for an alternate has been successful.
9. New Business:
• Jim J. agreed to be on the CSO Board of Directors as an Alternate. It was moved and unanimously approved by the Board, subject to receiving Jim’s resume, Jim is our new Alternate. Thank you, Jim, for accepting this position.
• We need to do something about contributions. One idea – at the meetings we attend – to pass the basket a second time asking for contributions for CSO.
10. Adjourn: Having no further business to be discussed, it was moved, seconded and carried
that the Board adjourn until next month.
Next Board Meeting: Thursday, July 17, 2014 @ 7 P.M.